Kohera Point

Kocher point Author: Anton Petrov

Kocher's point is one of the widely used medical terms that has a rich history and is important in understanding several medical procedures and treatments. The name Kocheratochka refers to the doctor who introduced this method into practice, the Austrian doctor Karl Kocher, being known in medicine as the founder of modern anesthesiology and the first surgery and flexibility.

The cocheratochka method is used to safely and effectively place a catheter in the lumen of a vein, as well as to remove blood clots that can clog blood vessels and block blood. This is a medical term used during treatment under the guidance of an experienced doctor and implies special training and experience for the procedure.

When using the Kocher point method, a catheter is inserted through a needle or urethral tube into a vein to remove blood clots. This procedure may be used to prevent further blood clots from venous inflammation or other vascular diseases.

To begin the procedure, the patient should lie in a supine position and extend his arms upward.