Seizure Epileptic Reflex Auditory

An epileptic reflex auditory seizure (a. epilepticus reflectorius auditivus; synonym: n. epileptic acousticogenic, n. epileptic audiosensory) is a type of epileptic seizure that occurs as a reflex reaction to exposure to auditory stimuli.

This type of seizure is rare and is characterized by the sudden onset of a seizure or change in consciousness immediately after exposure to a loud sound. Most often, provoking factors are sharp claps, loud crying of a child, sirens and other intense sounds.

The pathogenesis of this type of seizure is associated with excessive excitability of the auditory centers of the brain and their close connection with the epileptic focus. Diagnosis is based on the typical pattern of the onset of an attack after an auditory stimulus and EEG data. Treatment is aimed at suppressing epileptic brain activity using anticonvulsant drugs. Prevention consists of preventing exposure to provoking factors.

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A seizure is a temporary withdrawal of a person from the real world, into other worlds (virtual and others). The simplest case is a seizure that occurs suddenly, whether during a night awakening or during normal sleep. Seizures are one of the ten most common diseases and have many causes.