Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4519

Jade Interstitial


Interstitial nephritis: causes, symptoms and treatment Interstitial nephritis, also known as interstitial nephritis, is a kidney disease that primarily affects the tissue ...

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Arterial D Random


Blood pressure (BP) is one of the main indicators of the cardiovascular system. Normally, in a healthy person, blood pressure is maintained at a relatively constant level ...

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Telangiectasia Follicular Annular


Telangiectasia Follicular Ring: Description and Treatment Telangiectasia follicularis anularis is a rare dermatological disorder that is characterized by the appearance o ...

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Viscosity Affective


Affective viscosity Viscosity of emotional reactions with a tendency to get stuck on certain emotional experiences (resentment, grief, etc.), combined with the ease of th ...

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Bureau of Forensic Medicine


The Bureau of Forensic Medicine is a medical institution that carries out forensic medical examination in close contact with the justice and internal affairs agencies. Th ...

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Bernetta Rickettsios


Bernet's Rickettsiosis: discovery and research of an Australian virologist Burnet's Rickettsial disease, also known as Burnet's fever, is an infectious disease that was n ...

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Ventricle of the Brain Lateral


Lateral ventricle of the brain: functions and anatomy The lateral ventricle of the brain (ventriculus lateralis) is a paired cavity formation in the brain that is located ...

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Psychoprophylactic Preparation of Pregnant Women


Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life that requires special attention and care. Not only physical, but also psychological aspects of pregnancy can affect the he ...

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Mercaptopurine (Mercaptopurine)


Mercaptopurine is a drug that inhibits the growth of malignant cells. It is prescribed orally mainly for the treatment of certain types of leukemia (see Antimetabolite). ...

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Progesterone is a steroid hormone secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, placenta and (in small quantities) the adrenal cortex and testes. It plays an important ro ...

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