Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4547

Полипэктомия (Polypectomy)


Polypectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing polyps. Polyps are formations similar to small papillae that can appear on the internal surfaces of organs such as t ...

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Social Hygienist-Health Care Organizer


A social hygienist-health care organizer is a healthcare specialist who has received training in studying the health status of the population and the influence of social ...

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Symptom Neurological Cerebral


A general neurological symptom (syn. general neurological symptom) is a manifestation of brain damage that affects several parts of the brain at once and is expressed in ...

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Polioencephalomyelitis (Polioencephalomyelitis)


Polioencephalomyelitis is a viral infectious disease of the central nervous system that affects the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord. One typical example of such ...

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Steinert-Batten Disease


Steinert-Batten disease Steinert-Batten disease is a rare inherited disorder characterized by progressive muscular dystrophy. The disease was first described in 1909 by t ...

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Interferon: what is it and how does it work Interferon is a group of proteins that are produced by the body's cells in response to invasion by viruses, bacteria and other ...

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Hematuria Familial Benign


Familial benign hematuria (h. familiaris benigna; synonym - familial hereditary hematuria) is a benign hereditary disease characterized by the periodic appearance of bloo ...

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Ligament of the Head of the Fibula Posterior


The posterior ligament of the head of the fibula (lat. ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius) is one of the ligaments of the knee joint. This ligament originates from the ...

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Anesthesia Infiltration


Infiltration anesthesia (a. per infiltrationem; synonym a. layer-by-layer) is a type of local anesthesia in which the anesthetic is injected directly into the tissues sub ...

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Chordectomy (Cordectoty)


Chordectomy A chordectomy is the surgical removal of the vocal cord or, more commonly, part of it (partial chordectomy). This surgery is performed for certain diseases of ...

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