Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4544

Medical education


Medical education is an important element of the healthcare system. It includes the training and improvement of medical personnel, as well as the body of knowledge and sk ...

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Psychosomatic is a term that refers to both the mind and body. It is usually used in relation to diseases that are caused by both mental and physical factors. One of the ...

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Aerocins: highly active bacteriocins Aerocins are bacteriocins that are produced by certain strains of Aerobacter aerogenes. They are highly active against other strains ...

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Medical Formation


Medical formation: organization of medical care in crisis situations A medical formation is a complex of medical institutions and units created to provide medical care in ...

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Ile-: studying the ileum The ileum, or ileum, is one of the three main parts of the small intestine. It is located between two other parts - the duodenum and the jejunum ...

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Candidamicides: what is it and what are their features? Candidamykida is a group of fungi that belong to the class Saccharomycetes and the Candida family (Candidaceae). T ...

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Achylia of the Stomach Idiopathic


Idiopathic gastric achylia (a. gastrica idiopathica) is a chronic disease characterized by the absence or sharp decrease in the secretory function of the stomach without ...

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Albright's Disease


Albright's disease, also known as Albright syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that affects bone development in people. This is a hereditary disease that is usually pass ...

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Aedes Togoi


Aedes Togoi: carrier of Japanese encephalitis and wuchereriosis pathogens Aedes togoi is a species of blood-sucking mosquito of the genus Aedes, which transmits pathogens ...

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Tumor Menopausal-Vascular


Tumor Vascular: causes, symptoms and treatment Menopausal Vascular Tumor, also known as o. meningovascular is a rare type of brain tumor. It arises from the membranes cov ...

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