Achylia of the Stomach Idiopathic

Idiopathic gastric achylia (a. gastrica idiopathica) is a chronic disease characterized by the absence or sharp decrease in the secretory function of the stomach without any morphological changes in its mucous membrane.

The cause of the disease is a violation of the innervation or blood supply to the stomach. Clinically manifested by severe digestive disorders and dyspeptic symptoms. Diagnosed using x-ray and endoscopic examination, determining the level of secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Treatment consists of prescribing enzyme preparations, secretion stimulants, and diet therapy. The prognosis for idiopathic gastric achylia is relatively favorable. The disease is often transient and goes away on its own.

Ahilia means "acidlessness" in Latin.

In medicine, this term refers to one of the forms of hypoacidity - a condition of the stomach in which the concentration of hydrochloric acid is increased. It is impossible to describe the diagnostic process in simple words, since it requires a lot of time and scientific knowledge.