Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4557

Lower bronchoscopy


Lower bronchoscopy: what it is and how it is performed Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure that allows you to examine a patient's airways using a special instrument calle ...

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Coloring Double


Double dyeing is a dyeing process in which an object is treated sequentially with basic and acidic dyes. First, a basic dye is applied to the fibers, which is fixed in an ...

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Syncope Syncocarotid


Synocarotid syncope: what is it and how to prevent it? Carotid syncope, also known as vasovagal syncope or sinocarotid syncope, is the most common type of syncope. It occ ...

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Arteriolonecrosis (arteriolonecrosis; arteriole + necrosis; synonym necrotizing arteriolitis) - necrosis of the arteriole wall. Arteriolonecrosis can be caused by various ...

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Sattler's Symptom


Sattler's Symptom: description and application Sattler's Symptom is a medical term that has two different meanings depending on the context. Both meanings are associated ...

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Predisposition: how genetics influence our lives Predisposition is the presence of individual congenital characteristics that affect our lives. This may be a tendency tow ...

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Pseudo-perversions: what is it and how to recognize them? Nowadays, sexuality and eroticism have become an inextricable part of our lives. We see it everywhere: in advert ...

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Thinking Figurative


Figurative thinking is thinking that operates with visual, sensory ideas. Imaginative thinking is based on the use of images, that is, sensory-visual pictures of reality. ...

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Drainage Lamellar


Lamellar drainage: an effective way to prevent wound edges from sticking together and ensure drainage of discharged material Lamellar drainage is an innovative material t ...

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Monocentric [Rech. Monos One + Centro(Measure)]


Monocentric chromosome Monocentric chromosomes are chromosomes that have only one centromere. The centromere is the region of the chromosome that is responsible for attac ...

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