
Arteriolonecrosis (arteriolonecrosis; arteriole + necrosis; synonym necrotizing arteriolitis) - necrosis of the arteriole wall.

Arteriolonecrosis can be caused by various reasons, such as ischemia, inflammation, immune reactions. With arteriolonecrosis, damage and death of cells in the arteriole wall occurs, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the vessel.

Clinically, arteriolonecrosis is manifested by local ischemia of tissues that are supplied with blood from the affected arterioles. Depending on the location, this can cause various symptoms - from functional impairment to tissue necrosis.

Diagnosis of arteriolonecrosis is based on histological examination. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused damage to the arterioles, as well as restoring blood circulation in ischemic tissues. The prognosis depends on the size and location of the affected vessels.


Arteriolonecosis is a pathological change in the wall, due to which the main arteriole necrotizes, complicating the course of vasculitis or chronic obliteration disease. Pathological changes penetrate into cell fibers, destroying their membranes and disrupting tissue trophic tone, which causes microcirculation disorders.

Provoking factors What causes arteriolonecortosis? Among the causes of the development of arterioloneuritis, there are two categories of provoking factors that increase the risk of the disorder. These include:

* Congenital and hereditary vascular anomalies * Consequences of infectious processes Chronic intoxication and poisoning with heavy metals Alcoholic vascular disease of arterioles Systematic drug abuse Periodic increase in hypertension, in contrast to chronic hypertension Infectious lesions of the upper respiratory tract Acute endocrine disorders Prolonged stay under stress and mental disorders Diseases of a viral nature Impaired hemodynamics Incorrectly provided medical therapy, including violations of medication doses, frequent courses of treatment with auxiliary toxic substances, overflow of the vein with contrast.

Most often, the cause of the development of the pathological process is clarified only during the patient’s lifetime.

Necrosis arteriolism is a disease that affects blood vessels and leads to their destruction. It can be caused by various factors such as infections, injuries, blood diseases and others. In this article we will look at what arteriolonecrtosis is, how to treat it and what consequences may arise.

Arteriolysis necrosis is an acute disruption of the blood supply to muscles due to vascular atherosclerosis or thrombosis. This condition is characterized by the appearance of necrosis (tissue death) localized in the distal muscle groups. The highest frequency of ischemic myopathies is observed in people of post-Balzac age (average age is about 55 years). Older age, female gender, and diabetes predispose to the development of muscle ischemia. Important risk factors are smoking, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, obesity