Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4583

Breathing Stenotic


Stenotic breathing: causes, symptoms and treatment Stenotic breathing is a condition in which the airways are narrowed, making it difficult to breathe normally. The word ...

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Seed tube


The vas deferens is a duct through which male reproductive cells (sperm) are excreted from the male reproductive gland (testicle). In humans, there are two vas deferens: ...

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Samuel's Theory of Inflammation


Samuel's theory of inflammation was proposed by the German pathologist Samuel (1833-1899) at the end of the 19th century. According to this theory, inflammation is the bo ...

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Dwayena Angiotribe


Doyen Angiotrib (historical e. l. doyen, 1859-1916, French surgeon) - an outstanding French surgeon of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. His real name is Eugene Louis ...

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Тим- (Thym-), Тимо- (Thyto-)


Tim- (Thym-) and Thymo- (Thyto-) are prefixes that are usually used to refer to the thymus gland or thymus gland. The thymus is an organ located in the chest cavity that ...

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Ionizing Radiation Source


Source of ionizing radiation A source of ionizing radiation is an object that has the ability to emit ionizing radiation. Sources of ionizing radiation include: Radioac ...

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Bacteria Heterotrophic


Heterotrophic bacteria are bacteria that require organic carbon sources for their nutrition. Main features of heterotrophic bacteria: Organic compounds such as carbohyd ...

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X-ray pneumopelvigraphy


X-ray pneumopelvigraphy: basic principles and applications X-ray pneumopelvigraphy is a research method that is used to obtain images of the pelvic organs and bladder by ...

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Ovariprivus (ovariprivus; anat. ovarium ovary + lat. privus devoid of anything) is a term denoting the absence or underdevelopment of the ovaries. Ovariprivacy can be con ...

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Geselevich Probe-Fork


Aron Moiseevich Geselevich (1900-1976) - an outstanding Soviet surgeon, creator of a unique surgical instrument - the fork probe. Geselevich was born in 1900. Graduated f ...

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