
Ovariprivus (ovariprivus; anat. ovarium ovary + lat. privus devoid of anything) is a term denoting the absence or underdevelopment of the ovaries.

Ovariprivacy can be congenital or acquired. Congenital causes include various genetic abnormalities that lead to disruption of the formation of the ovaries at the stage of embryonic development. Acquired ovariprivacy develops as a result of various diseases or surgical removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy).

The clinical manifestations of ovariprivacy depend on the age at which it develops. In girls during puberty, there is a lack of menstruation, in women of reproductive age - menstrual irregularities, infertility, and premature menopause.

Diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy is based on medical history, gynecological examination and the results of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Treatment depends on the cause and is aimed at restoring ovarian function or hormone replacement therapy.

What are varicose pipes? An ovarian tube is a special surgical instrument that is used to remove the ovarian tube. The ovarian tube is the part of a woman's reproductive system that contains the ovaries and other organs. It is located in the abdominal cavity next to the uterus. An ovarian tube is also called a special ovarian tube.

Main reasons for ovarian tube removal The main reason for ovarian tube removal is the removal of all or part of the tissue after surgery to remove various tumors or other diseases. The most common reason for ovarian tube removal is to remove an ovarian tumor, which can be fatal.