Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4600

Pericellular Fluid


Pericellular fluid Pericellular fluid (liquor pericellularis) is the fluid that surrounds connective tissue cells. It is located in close proximity to the plasma membrane ...

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Acidosis Respiratory Newborns


Respiratory acidosis of newborns Respiratory acidosis of newborns is a violation of the acid-base balance, characterized by a decrease in blood pH, caused by excess carbo ...

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Installation Diagnostic Scintillation


Installation for radioisotope diagnostics, the receiving elements of which are scintillation counters. The main components of the Diagnostic Scintillation Unit are: Sci ...

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Semerau-Semyanovsky Paroxysmal Collapse


Semerau-Semyanovsky paroxysmal collapse: understanding this disease Semerau-Siemenowski paroxysmal collapse, also known as Semerau-Siemenowski syndrome, is a rare disease ...

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Schrötter Set


The Schroetter set is a historical medical instrument, named after the Austrian otolaryngologist Leopold Schroetter (1837-1908). The Schrötter set was used to dilate (wid ...

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Parasigmatism (parasigmatismus) is a phonetic phenomenon in which the sounds [s] and [w] alternate in different forms of the same word or in words with the same root. The ...

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Diagnosis Preliminary


Preliminary diagnosis: Why is it needed and what does it mean? When visiting a doctor with any disease or illness, the first step of the doctor is to formulate a prelimin ...

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Pappenheim splenocyte


Pappenheim splenocyte: understanding and features Pappenheim splenocyte is a term used in histology to refer to a specific type of cell found in the spleen. This term has ...

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Catatonia: Understanding and Therapy for a Movement Disorder Catatonia, derived from the Greek word "katateino", meaning "to tighten" or "to strain", is a psychomotor dis ...

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Pulfricha Stereo effect


The Pulfrich stereo effect is an optical phenomenon that allows you to create the illusion of depth when viewing moving objects using special glasses. This effect was dis ...

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