Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4607

Novotelnova Method


Novotelnova Method: The contribution of a Soviet surgeon to medical science Sergei Aleksandrovich Novotelnov (1883-1956) is an outstanding Soviet surgeon, whose research ...

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Peritonsillitis: symptoms, causes and treatment Peritonsillitis, also known as parapharyngeal abscess, is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of infection aro ...

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Tuberculin: Diagnostic tool for detecting tuberculosis Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the most common and dangerous infectious diseases in the world. For its effect ...

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Centro- (Centro-)


Centro- is a prefix used in medicine to denote a connection with the center of an organ or part of the body. The word "center" in this case means the central part or basi ...

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Polyp Placental Destructive


Destructive Placental Polyp: Dangerous Disease that May Threaten the Life of Mother and Child Placental Destructive Polyp (Polypus Placentalis Destructivus) is a rare dis ...

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Bicuspid (bicuspidalis; bi- + lat. cuspis, cuspidis sharp tip, tip) is a term denoting the presence of two sharp tips or protrusions. Bicuspid structures are those that h ...

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False lens (Pseudophakos)


False Lens (Pseudophakos): Artificial eye lens Cataract is an eye disease characterized by gradual darkening of the lens, which can lead to decreased vision and even comp ...

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Absence of Automatism


Absence of Automatism: causes, symptoms and treatment Absence of automaticity is a rare neurological disease that is characterized by stereotypical motor acts. This is a ...

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Climate Artificial


An artificial climate is a microclimate that is artificially created indoors. The purpose of creating an artificial climate is to provide optimal air parameters for human ...

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Veraguta Symptom


Veraguta symptom: description and significance in diagnosis Veraguta symptom is one of the neurological symptoms that can be observed in patients with various diseases of ...

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