Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4605

Traction, Traction


Traction and traction are treatments that are used to stretch tissue to relieve tension and pain in certain parts of the body. One of the most common uses of these techni ...

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Hemopneumothorax: causes, symptoms and treatment Hemopneumothorax is a serious condition that occurs when air and blood are simultaneously present in the pleural cavity, ...

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Dose Genetically Significant Annual


The genetically significant annual dose (GAD) is an important radiobiological indicator used to assess the genetic consequences of human irradiation. DGDH is defined as t ...

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Nerves Cranial


Cranial nerves, also known as cranial nerves, are important elements of the human nervous system. They leave the brain and spread throughout the body, controlling various ...

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Decompression is the process of reducing pressure on an organ or part of the body, which can be achieved through surgery. This procedure may be necessary in many cases wh ...

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Gamma Therapy Remote


Remote gamma therapy (syn. telegammatherapy) is a method of radiation therapy in which the source of ionizing gamma radiation is located at some distance from the tumor. ...

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Demelya Operation


Demelya operation: history and application The Demel operation is a surgical procedure developed by the Austrian surgeon Rudolf Demel in the early 20th century. This oper ...

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Pauling-Cory Spiral


Pauling-Cory spiral: discovery, structure and application The Pauling-Corey helix is ​​a special type of molecular structure discovered in 1951 by American chemists Linus ...

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Chorionic Villus Sampling (Cvs)


Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Chorionic Villi Testing (CVS) is a prenatal diagnostic method that can detect various genetic diseases in the fetus. This method is carrie ...

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Phenosuximide (Phensuximide)


Phenosuximide is an anticonvulsant drug that is used to prevent or reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures. It is administered orally in the form of tablets or capsule ...

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