Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4695

Nystagmus Caloric


Caloric nystagmus: what it is and how it manifests itself Caloric nystagmus, also known as Lermoyer's sign, is one of the methods for diagnosing diseases of the human ves ...

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Age Biological


Biological Age: Unraveling the Mysteries of Time In our world, time plays an important role in our lives. It defines our chronological sequence of events and experiences, ...

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Cobra Method


The Kobrak method is a method of treating diseases of the ear, nose and throat, developed by the German otorhinolaryngologist Friedrich Kobrak (1880-1930). The main idea ...

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Bougie Conical


A conical bougie is an elastic instrument, gradually becoming thinner towards the end, designed to bougienage a narrowed urethra or esophagus. Conical bougies are made fr ...

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Spirometry Dynamic


Dynamic spirometry is a method of measuring pulmonary function that allows you to estimate the volume and speed of air passing through the airways during maximum inspirat ...

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Defibrination is the process of removing fibrin from the blood, one of the proteins in the blood plasma that causes it to clot. Fibrin is a key component of blood clots, ...

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Autism, also known as Kanner syndrome or childhood autism, is a rare mental disorder in children that usually appears around the age of two and a half years. Children wit ...

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Kokobera virus


Kokobera virus: description, properties and features Kokobera virus belongs to the genus of flavoviruses and the family of togaviruses. This is an arbovirus that belongs ...

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Antibodies Allergic


Allergic antibodies: Role in the development of allergic reactions Allergic reactions are a very common problem in the modern world. Many people experience allergy sympto ...

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Ligament cricoarytenoid dorsal


Ligament Cricoarytenoid Dorsal: Anatomical Description The dorsal cricoarytenoid ligament (cricoarytaenoideum dorsale) is an important element of the anatomy of the human ...

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