Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4744

Mann-Whitney U Test


Mann-Whitney U Test The Mann-Whitney U test, also known as the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, is a statistical method used to compare two independent samples. It was develop ...

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Bucilnik: what is it and how does it work A boiler is a special apparatus that is used for boiling clothes and linen during disinfection, disinfestation or washing. It is ...

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Anisoangiotonia is a pathological condition characterized by uneven vascular tone. The term comes from the Greek words "aniso" - unequal, "angeion" - vessel and "tonos" - ...

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Scrupul is a unit of weight used in pharmacy. 1 scruple is equal to 1.295 grams, or 20 grains. 3 scrupules equal 1 drachma. The use of the scruple as a unit of measuremen ...

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Gombo Neuritis


Gombo neuritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral nerves. It was first described by the French neurologist Philippe Gombaud at the end of the 19th centur ...

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Artesian well


An artesian well (also called an artesian well) is a type of water well in which pressurized water rises to the surface naturally without the need for a pump. This occurs ...

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Sanitary day


Sanitation Day: Improving hygiene and safety in enterprises and institutions In the modern world, special attention is paid to workplace safety and hygiene. One of the ef ...

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Hospital Military Temporary


Military Temporary Hospital: description and history The Military Temporary Hospital is a medical institution that was created to provide assistance to wounded soldiers d ...

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Palatine Bone


Palatine Bone: Structure and Functions The palatine bone, also known as the palatine bone, is a paired bone found in the human facial skull. It plays an important role in ...

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Variability Modification


Variability Modification: Understanding the essence of the phenomenon Variation in biology is one of the most interesting phenomena that scientists study. It can manifest ...

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