Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4747

Microbiology Radiation


Radiation microbiology Radiation microbiology is a branch of microbiology that studies the effect of ionizing radiation on microorganisms. The main objectives of radiatio ...

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Self-esteem Adequate (Insight)


Adequate self-esteem (insight) is in psychology a person’s ability to self-knowledge and objective perception of his personality. This term is used mainly in relation to ...

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Dystonia Torsion


Torsion dystonia: symptoms, causes and treatment Torsion dystonia, also known as lordotic dysbasia, muscle deforming dystonia, torsion spasm or torsion neurosis, is a rar ...

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Biological Feedback


Biological feedback (biofeedback, biofeedback, biofeedback) is the immediate receipt of information into the human brain about all processes occurring in his body (for ex ...

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Sanitary Characteristics of Working Conditions


The sanitary condition of the work environment plays an important role in ensuring the health and safety of workers. In accordance with sanitary legislation, the work env ...

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Kidney adenoma Clear cell


Clear cell kidney adenoma (nephradenoma clarocellulare) is a benign kidney tumor that develops from proximal tubule cells. This rare neoplasm accounts for about 3% of all ...

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Block joint (Gingtymus, Hinge Joint)


Block joint (Gingtymus, Hinge Joint) - a type of synovial joint (diarthrosis); this joint is uniaxial, angular movements are made in it only in one plane, increasing or d ...

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All right-


Maculum: Macula of the retina Maculo- (maculo-) is a term used in anatomy to refer to the yellow spot of the retina - macula lutea retinae. This is the area of ​​the reti ...

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Hyperbilirubinemia Posthepatitis


Posthepatitis hyperbilirubinemia Posthepatitis hyperbilirubinemia is an increased level of bilirubin in the blood that develops after viral hepatitis. The cause of this c ...

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Expertise Forensic Medical Commission


A forensic medical commission examination (E. s.-m.) is a type of examination that is carried out by a group of doctors of various specialties to resolve issues related t ...

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