Self-esteem Adequate (Insight)

Adequate self-esteem (insight) is in psychology a person’s ability to self-knowledge and objective perception of his personality.

This term is used mainly in relation to a person's recognition of his psychological problems. Lack of adequate self-esteem in a person is one of the symptoms of psychosis.

This term is also used as a measure of a person's correct understanding of his own development as a person and the problems he has encountered.

Adequate self-esteem can be strengthened with the help of psychotherapeutic influence, which helps a person take a more objective look at his strengths and weaknesses.

Self-esteem is how we evaluate ourselves. It can be positive or negative. Adequate self-esteem is when we accept ourselves as we are and do not try to change ourselves. This is very important for our mental health.

Lack of adequate self-esteem can lead to various problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. If you have problems with self-esteem, psychotherapy or other treatments may help.

Self-esteem can be improved through various methods such as meditation, yoga, exercise, reading books, etc. It's also important to connect with people who support you and help you feel better.

Self-esteem is an individual’s subjective idea of ​​the significance of his personality and his own worth. The discrepancy between the real state of affairs truly reflects problems in personal development: a person is not able to realize himself in society, shifting responsibility for character flaws to external circumstances.

Why is self-criticism necessary?

Self-critical analysis helps to identify the causes of discomfort. This is a key moment for change, especially in the professional sphere. How to understand that there is a problem? The totality of all factors should be analyzed: social relationships, the attitude of others, self-perception and assessment of other people. Anxiety does not arise out of nowhere. There are subjective reasons. Often a person is afraid that some aspect of his character is tightening up.