
Divergence in biology is the process of divergence of characteristics and properties in different species, which occurs as a result of evolution. Divergent species may have different origins and belong to different classes or even different phyla, but they differ from each other in only a few characters.

Divergence can occur for various reasons, for example, due to changes in environmental conditions, genetic mutations, or adaptation to new conditions. As a result of this process, new species appear, which can be either more adapted to the environment or less adapted.

One example of divergence is human evolution. Humans and chimpanzees share many features, but also differ from each other, such as the structure of their teeth and skeleton. This happened due to divergence between these species.

Another example of divergence can be seen in the evolution of plants. Many plants can grow in different types of soil and in different climates. However, each plant species has its own unique characteristics that allow it to adapt to its environment.

In general, divergence is an important process in evolution that allows species to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Divergence is the process of divergence of characteristics in different species during the process of evolution, which leads to the emergence of new species. Divergence can occur as a result of changes in environmental conditions, mutations, or natural selection.

Divergence is one of the main mechanisms of evolution. It allows species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and survive in new conditions. For example, if a species lives in one area, it may evolve towards increasing body size in order to better adapt to environmental conditions. If the species lives in another area, then it can develop towards a reduction in body size in order to move more easily and search for food.

However, divergence can lead to the emergence of new species that are not genetically related. This can lead to conflicts between species and even their extinction. Therefore, it is important to consider the consequences of divergence and take measures to conserve biodiversity.