Face Jade

**Nephritic** or **nephrittiche** is a term often used in literature and art to describe the face of a person whose health and beauty have been compromised by serious illness. In some cases, the term refers to a serious physical or emotional condition that results in painful and permanent changes in appearance.

There are many examples of nephritic faces throughout history, including famous personalities from various periods of culture and time. One of the most famous is the portrait of Anne Boleyn, who was depicted as sickly and pale in the book Eros and Psyche by William Hogarth. This image was created to express the difficult consequences of her marriage to Queen Elizabeth I, which greatly influenced Anne's outlook and her health.

The concept of "Face Nephritic" can also be used as a metaphor to describe the moment when a person suffers from physical or emotional trauma, while neglecting his own well-being in order to alleviate the suffering of others. For example, the novel Shantaram by Victor Pelevin describes a character who becomes nephritic as a result of the loss of his family during the revolution in Tajikistan. He sacrifices his own well-being and devotion to duty to help his neighbors and friends.

Today the concept of "Face Nephritoric" is a metaphor that is used