Block joint (Gingtymus, Hinge Joint)

Block joint (Gingtymus, Hinge Joint) - a type of synovial joint (diarthrosis); this joint is uniaxial, angular movements are made in it only in one plane, increasing or decreasing the angle between the bones that form the joint. Examples of a trochlear joint are the knee and elbow joints (msphalangeal hands and feet, ankle joint - ed.).

A trochlear joint is a type of synovial joint (diarthrosis), in which angular movement of the bones forming the joint occurs in only one plane. This joint is uniaxial and can increase or decrease the angle between the connected bones.

The trochlear joint occurs in many parts of the body, including the knee joint, elbow joint, interphalangeal joints of the hand and foot, and ankle joints. Examples of trochlear joints also include intervertebral joints and sacroiliac joints.

Movement in the trochlear joint occurs by moving one bone relative to the other towards the axis of the joint. This allows for angular movements in one plane and increases or decreases the angle between the bones. Locking the articular surfaces provides stability to the joint and prevents it from extending or flexing.

Thus, the trochlear joint is an important element of the musculoskeletal system, which allows us to perform various movements and maintain stability. It plays an important role in our daily lives, providing flexibility and mobility.

A trochlear joint is a type of synovial joint in which movement occurs in one direction (angular). In the trochlear joint, movement occurs along an axis that is perpendicular to the surface of the joint.

The trochlear joint is a uniaxial joint, since it moves only in one plane. This joint is found in various parts of the body such as the knee, elbow, ankle and others.

Examples of trochlear joints include the interphalangeal joints of the fingers and toes, and the ankle joint. These joints allow us to bend and extend our limbs, as well as rotate them around an axis.

In the trochlear joint, movement occurs because one bone slides over another bone, forming an angle between them. This may be caused by contraction of the muscles that surround the joint.

Thus, the trochlear joint is an important element in our musculoskeletal system. It allows us to perform many movements that are necessary for our daily life.