
Melanoma. The world is filled with dark colors that not everyone likes. And even people can suffer from lack of sunlight and heat, because in winter there is less sun and people are less likely to produce vitamin D. It is especially important for vegetarians to avoid darkness, otherwise there is a decrease in the production of serotonin - the happy hormone. And what to do with all this?

How to survive winter and afternoons and stay healthy? We can try to repackage the spectrum of sensations a little with the help of scientific research about which strategies will benefit our well-being, nutrition and hormone levels in the body - and which are harmful.

My first words about hormones. Very often I refer to them as the “brain” molecules inside our heads, but they also directly affect the levels of hormones produced in our body. In some cases, hormones can even penetrate our internal organs, where they trigger certain processes, such as the release of endorphins