
An extractor is an instrument used to pull out a part of the body, remove foreign objects, or facilitate childbirth.

Extractors are used in medical practice to extract teeth, stones from the kidneys and bladder, foreign bodies from wounds, as well as to facilitate childbirth in the presence of complications.

There are different types of extractors:

  1. Dental extractors - used to remove teeth. Their design allows you to securely grip and pull the tooth.

  2. Kidney extractors - used to remove stones from the kidneys and urinary tract.

  3. Surgical extractors - used to remove foreign bodies from wounds.

  4. Obstetric extractors - used during complicated childbirth to facilitate the extraction of the fetus.

The most common type of extractor is the vacuum extractor, which is a dome-shaped tip that attaches to a vacuum suction. It allows you to carefully and safely remove the fetus during difficult labor.

Thus, extractors are an important tool in the arsenal of doctors of various specialties, allowing for minimally invasive manipulations to remove various objects from the body.

An Extractor is a medical instrument that is used to traction a part of the body, remove foreign objects, or facilitate childbirth. This instrument can be used in a variety of medical procedures, including surgery, dental extractions, and obstetrics and gynecology.

One of the most common types of extractors is the dental extractor, which is used to remove teeth. This tool is shaped like a forceps and can be used to remove both wisdom teeth and other teeth. A dental extractor can be used in a variety of conditions, including situations where teeth are damaged or have unusual growth.

Besides dental extractors, there are many other types of extractors that can be used in medical procedures. For example, a vacuum extractor can be used during labor to facilitate the delivery process. This instrument allows the most effective removal of fetal water and helps the baby pass through the mother's pelvis.

In other cases, an extractor may be used to remove foreign objects, such as shards of glass or metal, that may become lodged in the body as a result of injury. This may be especially important if the foreign object is close to important organs or structures, such as the eyes or brain.

Regardless of what the extractor is used for, it is important to remember that this tool should only be used by qualified medical personnel. Improper use of the extractor can cause serious damage to tissues and organs, which may endanger the patient's life.

In general, extractors are an important tool in medical practice. Their use can help improve the results of many procedures and provide a safer and more effective experience for patients. However, to achieve the best results, it is necessary to ensure that extractors are used and maintained correctly, and that medical personnel are trained in their use.

Extractor (from Latin extraho - I pull out), a hook, a special tool for extracting something. objects from blind holes or cavities, washing, cleaning, drying, etc. Wires, hoses, tubes, etc. can be attached to the extractors. In dentistry, an “Extraction Wire” is often used - a special instrument with an elastic cord and a handle, which is used for endodontic treatment of tooth canals.