Stabilization of the Solution

Stabilization of a solution is a process that prevents changes in the concentration or composition of a solution during storage. This is an important stage in the production of drugs and other chemical solutions, because the stability of the solution determines the quality of the finished product. In this article we will look at the main methods of stabilizing solutions and talk about how they are used in practice.

One of the most common

A stable solution is a liquid medicine that retains its properties regardless of external influences for a long time or during the shelf life of the drug. It can be made in the form of syrup, solution for injection, eye drops, suspension. The stability of the solution is important not only from the point of view of the quality of the drug, but also to prevent the interaction of its components before use. The function of stabilizing a solution is to maintain its stability, avoiding decomposition, separation or mixing with other components. The need for stabilization may arise for various reasons. One of the main reasons is that some ingredients are unstable and may degrade during storage, especially at high temperatures (the optimal temperature depends on the combination of specific ingredients). These processes usually result in the formation of simpler compounds that are undesirable for use in pharmaceutical form.

Removing these reaction products will prevent the dosage form and the environment from reacting so that the outcome of the treatment remains the same as when it was produced. In addition, the stabilized drug is safe to use and chemically stable. Stabilization of a solution involves the use of preservatives (or stabilizers) that block unwanted chemical reactions and keep the dosage form stable during storage.