Biological Feedback

Biological feedback (biofeedback, biofeedback, biofeedback) is the immediate receipt of information into the human brain about all processes occurring in his body (for example, heart rate). Usually a person is not aware of this connection. Depending on the information entering the brain, a person can quickly adapt to all changes in his body.

Based on biofeedback, an experimental method has been developed for the treatment of patients with various disorders of the regulation of body functions (for example, hypertension). Using special equipment, the patient receives information about the current state of his body. This allows him to learn to control and regulate the functioning of internal organs and systems. The biofeedback method is actively used to treat stress, headaches, hypertension and other disorders.

Biological feedback (Biofeedback) is the immediate receipt of information into the human brain about all processes occurring in his body (for example, about the heart rate). Usually a person is not aware of this connection. Depending on the information entering the brain, a person can quickly adapt to all changes in his body.

This is the basis for an experimental method of treating patients with various disorders of the regulation of body functions (occurring, for example, in hypertension). Using special sensors, the patient receives information about the current state of his body, which allows him to learn to control and optimize the functioning of internal organs and systems. This approach is used to treat stress, headaches, sleep disorders and other disorders.