6 interesting facts about kissing

  1. Remedy for ailments

It turns out that kissing improves skin condition, promotes blood circulation, prevents tooth decay and even reduces headaches. So if you have a migraine, and your loved one misses you madly, don’t rush to the pharmacy for painkillers, it’s better to start the night with kisses.

  1. Warm-up

During the French kiss, 34 facial muscles are involved. However, a romantic but short kiss will burn a couple of calories, while a passionate French kiss can take care of 5 calories.

  1. Effect of drugs

The endorphins that you “release” by kissing are 200 times more powerful than the effects of the drug morphine!

  1. Breeding ground for microbes

American scientists have proven that one kiss transmits 278 types of bacteria. A long enough kiss can “give” you more than 10 million bacteria!

  1. Diseases

You probably know that infectious mononucleosis and herpes can be transmitted with a kiss.

  1. Punishable by law

In the 16th century in Naples, kissing was punishable by death. In the US, some kissing is considered illegal. For example, it is illegal to kiss your husband on Sundays in Iowa and Hartford, Connecticut.