Abortion Tubal

Tubal abortion (a. tubularis) is one of the types of female tubal abortion, in which the fallopian tube is removed along with its contents. Tubal abortion is a dangerous and complex method of terminating a pregnancy. It should be carried out only in specialized medical institutions by qualified gynecologists and only as prescribed by a specialist.

The main indication for a tubal abortion is an unwanted pregnancy up to 12 weeks. This method is the only chance to avoid the risk of complications after other methods of abortion.

Before performing a tubal abortion, the gynecologist examines the patient, as well as all the necessary examinations, including ultrasound, to determine the exact stage of pregnancy and exclude possible contraindications. If your doctor has concerns or doubts about performing this type of abortion, he or she may recommend an alternative termination option.

One of the advantages of tubal abortion compared to other methods of termination is its high efficiency. However, this method must be performed by specialists in a clinical setting under medical supervision, as it requires certain knowledge, experience and equipment. Therefore, it is important to choose a qualified doctor and clinic where this operation is performed in order to avoid possible complications and negative consequences.

Tubal abortion has a high risk of complications, such as bleeding, perforation, infection and others. They can lead to serious consequences for a woman’s health, including infertility, damage to the uterus, etc. That is why this type of abortion can only be performed by highly qualified specialists and only in a medical institution.