Abortion is underway

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to discuss a very important topic - abortion. Now more and more people are in favor of legalizing abortion, believing that it is their right, like any other woman. However, many people have their own objections, and some are even against this procedure. In this article we will try to understand why abortion is wrong and how your children relate to it.

Firstly, during an abortion, incredible changes occur in a woman’s body. This affects her hormonal levels, menstrual cycle, mental and physical state. You may see periods become more frequent and painful, libido may drop, and many women feel emotionally drained. Moreover, it often happens that after an abortion, diseases associated with the reproductive system arise, for example, infertility or diseases of the uterus. Despite this, abortion is still illegal in Russia, and many people believe that the act can be life-threatening to the woman, especially to unborn children.

We must also consider that the baby needs life, not just development inside the womb. He already has his own life where he interacts with his mother and receives her nutrients through the umbilical cord. When the abortion process takes place, you kill your