About Movies

Movies play an important role in the lives of children. They not only entertain, but also teach something new.

Cartoons such as “Tom and Jerry”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Fixies” and others are perfect for kids. Bright pictures, funny characters and simple plots are what is needed to develop the imagination and thinking of the youngest viewers.

Older children enjoy watching adventure films like "Harry Potter", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Chronicles of Narnia". There is magic and danger, which the heroes fight with courage and resourcefulness. Films like these develop imagination and teach you to overcome fears.

Classic children's films such as Mary Poppins, Cinderella, and Disney cartoons are still loved by children. Good, magical stories with a good ending do not lose their relevance. They instill faith in goodness, justice and miracles.

Of course, it is sometimes worth showing children old silent films with Charlie Chaplin. This develops a sense of humor and the ability to understand emotions without words.

So choose movies to watch with your child according to his age and interests. And let cinema become part of an exciting journey into the world of imagination!