
*Nad (naddi)-* substance from the group of coenzymes. Belongs to the B vitamins. Contained in yeast, coffee beans, milk, beets and a number of other foods. *Coenzyme NAD+* is one of the central participants in all biochemical pathways in mitochondria and serves as a cofactor for enzyme activity and promotes the oxidation of organic substances in cells during oxidative phosphorylation. Important for regulating the energy metabolism of human cells. It is a regulator of cell respiration. Participates in the transmission of the electron transport chain in glutathione synthase. Provides the removal of toxic products and metabolic wastes. Lowers blood cholesterol levels by counteracting hydrogen peroxide. It is used in cardiological practice in the complex treatment of metabolic syndrome, as a stimulator of cell respiration. With prolonged lack or complete absence of nutrition, it can cause reverse conversion to NADH. Content in mcg/100 ml of blood: - in women 0.66 - 2.67 - in men 3.24-5.92

Synonyms: DPN, CoA N Adenine Riboside Diphosphate, NadD, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, NAD, Nicotinamide dinucleotide, Nicotinamidadenin dinukleotid