Abscess Subperiosteal

Subperiosteal abscess is a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue located between the periosteum and the bone.

An abscess can occur as a result of injury, for example, a fracture or bruise, or due to infection in the subcutaneous tissue. The infection can enter the subcutaneous tissue through a wound or through lymphatic vessels.

Symptoms of a subperiosteal abscess include pain in the affected area, swelling, redness and fever. If an abscess is not treated, it can lead to serious complications such as cellulitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis and others.

To treat a subperiosteal abscess, it is necessary to perform an operation during which the pus is removed and the subcutaneous tissue is washed with antibiotics. After surgery, the patient should follow the doctor's instructions for wound care and take antibiotics to prevent re-infection.

In conclusion, subperiosteal abscess is a dangerous condition that requires immediate treatment. If symptoms of this disease appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Subperiosteal abscess is a localized purulent cavity located under the periosteum and caused by infection. Abscesses appear as a result of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the bone or teeth; their appearance is accompanied by pain. Subperiosteal abscesses often occur against the background of advanced oral diseases, such as pulpitis, caries, gingivitis and others. The appearance of subperiosteal abscesses is not always associated with any dental disease and can also develop with other diseases, such as a runny nose.

When the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a dentist, and only then a surgeon. Treatment includes antibiotics and surgery to remove the abscess. Such diseases do not go away on their own and are rarely self-medicated.