Abscess Retropharyngeal Acute

Acute retropharyngeal abscess (ARA) is a purulent disease of the paranasal sinuses and retropharyngeal space. This occurs because an infection from the mouth or throat enters the retropharyngeal space and forms an abscess.

Pathogenesis of the disease. The formation of an abscess can begin due to infection and inflammation of the tonsils or adenoids. Sinusitis and rhinitis may also be the cause. In these cases, the infection moves along the lymphatic tract and causes the formation of an abscess in the retropharyngeal space.

Symptoms of the disease. AZO manifests itself acutely. The temperature begins to rise to 39-40 degrees Celsius. Common symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, headache and chills. After a few days, painful infiltration and redness appear on the front surface of the neck. Swallowing and breathing through the nose may be difficult. In severe cases, paralysis of the soft palate and larynx is possible.
