Abuzus Medicinal

Medication abuse, also known as drug addiction, is also called drug or pharmacology dependence syndrome within medicine. This condition is called a disease only colloquially. Most people understand this diagnosis as a painful craving for the use of medications, but it is also worth noting that the attitude towards taking these drugs, their dosage and method of administration matters. Often, with an erroneous diagnosis, people consider themselves healthy. Addiction can only be treated symptomatically, but in this case it is extremely difficult to cope without social adaptation. The desire to return to such drugs does not go away, and as soon as stress sets in, fears of addiction immediately appear. The disease must be diagnosed and treated immediately, thereby significantly speeding up recovery, but if treatment is not carried out at all, the patient will experience all the suffering of the pathology and may progress to sepsis. If you do not contact a narcologist in time, then there is a chance of losing physical functions: becoming mute, blind or deaf-mute.