Accommodation Fabric

Tissue accommodation is a process by which body tissues adapt to changes in the external environment. It plays an important role in the body’s adaptation to new conditions and ensures its survival.

Tissue accommodation includes many different processes, such as changes in the shape and size of cells, changes in the concentration of hormones and other biologically active substances, as well as changes in the permeability of cell membranes. All these processes are aimed at ensuring optimal functioning of tissues in new conditions.

For example, when the ambient temperature changes, skin cells can change their thickness to retain heat. When light levels change, eye cells can change the shape and size of their photoreceptors to better perceive light. Also, as oxygen levels in the air change, the lungs can change their shape and size to increase their surface area and improve gas exchange.

Thus, tissue accommodation is an important process that allows the body to adapt to new conditions. It plays a key role in the survival and health of the body.