Acidosis Gas

Gas acidosis - (a. gasea; synonym: a. respiratory, a. respiratory) - a violation of the acid-base state of the body, characterized by a decrease in blood pH below normal (7.35-7.45) due to excessive accumulation of non-oxidized metabolic products in the body - CO2, lactic and other organic acids.

Reasons for the development of gas acidosis:

  1. hypoventilation of the lungs (for diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, breathing disorders during sleep, overdose of sleeping pills and narcotic drugs);
  2. decreased pulmonary perfusion (congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism);
  3. impaired diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane (pulmonary edema, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis).

Clinical symptoms: shortness of breath, headache, weakness, confusion, coma. Diagnosis is based on determining pH, partial pressure of CO2 and bicarbonates in the blood.

Treatment: elimination of the cause (treatment of the underlying disease), artificial ventilation, oxygen inhalation, administration of sodium bicarbonate. The prognosis depends on the severity and cause of the acidosis. With timely treatment, complete recovery is possible.

Gas acidosis is an increase in blood acidity as a result of the cumulative absorption of blood gases (CO2, O2, HCO3-) from the extracellular fluid in the lungs and body, while gas alkacidosis is described as a hyperosmolar condition characterized by the accumulation of electrolytes, lactate . Respiratory acidosis is a reaction that refers to a disruption of the normal balance in the body, which is regulated by blood homeostasis. This type of disorder is quite widespread in medicine.

In most pathologies, the formation of an acidic environment occurs due to a decrease in the volume of the extracellular part of the blood relative to the compensatory release of sodium, therefore, an increase