Actinomycosis of the Skin Gummous-Nodular

Actinomycosis of the skin is gumous nodular.

Actinomycosis is an infection of the skin and mucous membranes caused by anaerobic bacteria, which manifests itself in the form of nodules and arcs. Infection occurs through contact with soil, soil, sand or grit. Bacteria settle mainly on the surface of the skin, where moisture remains after washing. Due to the peculiarities of the location of the head of the bacterium (acne cells only cause hyperemia) and the subsequent rapid formation of the capsular bag, the local inflammation reaction is small, and the development process itself does not spread beyond the capsule, which leads to the formation of a beard

Actinomycosis of gummosus nodular lesions (A.cutis gummosusnodosus) is commonly called a specific skin lesion in which groups of club-shaped blisters are formed located above the fossa. Actinonic nodular infiltrate – areas of the skin affected by actinoid granuloma, i.e. nodules of superficial localization. These formations may also have the appearance of fluctuating painful lesions without clear contours. Sometimes, in appearance, these blisters are no different from ordinary skin formations that appear as a result of inflammatory reactions of the skin (inflammatory pigment spots or rashes). But, unlike them, they have a different clinical picture - pain, swelling and accumulation of serous or purulent discharge.

The cause of the development of the disease is the skin’s reaction to a fungus that infects the skin.