Adamyuk-Elschniga Balls

Adamyuk-Elschnig balls are a special type of eye disease, which is characterized by the presence of small pearly formations on the retina. This disease was discovered and described by two outstanding ophthalmologists - E. V. Adamyuk and A. Elshnik, who also named it in their honor.

Adamyuk-Elschnig balls are one of the most common forms of retinal dystrophy. They are small pearly formations that form on the inner surface of the retina. These formations can be either single or multiple, and can cause various symptoms, such as blurred vision, the appearance of spots in front of the eyes, changes in the color and brightness of vision, and others.

Treatment for Adamyuk-Elschnig balls can vary depending on the severity of the disease and its symptoms. Some patients can do without any treatment, but in some cases surgery may be necessary. Surgical treatment may include laser coagulation, which can destroy pearly formations on the retina and improve vision.

It is important to note that Adamiuk–Elschnig balls can only be diagnosed through an ophthalmological examination. Patients should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist to monitor the condition of their eyes and take timely measures to treat the disease.

Adamyuka-Elshnig shary - a drug for the treatment of eye diseases. A special feature of this drug is the use of ultrasound therapy in conjunction with electrophoresis and the incorporation of allohelperin particles. Developing the action of this drug is a multicomponent process.