Follicular adenoma

Adenoma is a benign tumor of the ovary

Ovarian adenoma is a group of tumor formations that develop from glandular tissue and are formed as a result of improper cell growth. Tumors of the glands of the reproductive system are divided into several types. Depending on their origin, they have different names. Thus, tumors of the ovarian epithelium are called theca. Cystadenocarcinoma is a tumor of stromal origin from the theca. There are also serous ovarian adenocarcinoma, benign teratoma, satellite fibrous adenocarcinoma and cysts. However, adenoma is the most common among all ovarian tumors. The histological structure of ovarian adenoma does not differ from other tumors of this type. The differences lie only in the location and structure of the tumors. In its appearance and course, ovarian adenoma is similar to other varieties of this disease.

Follary carcinoma

Follicular cancers have a dense structure and are red, pink or blue in color. Until recently, this type of tumor was considered the most common. Only in the last few years has the proportion of focal cancers begun to decline, due to the spread of minimally invasive treatment methods. The causes of papillary ovarian carcinoma are not fully understood. Risk factors for developing the disease are as follows:

* inflammatory processes of the uterus; * uncontrolled use of estrogen-containing drugs; * early menopause; * lack of calcium and vitamin A in the body; * heredity. In most cases, ovarian cancer is detected only in the later stages of development, since in the presence of benign formations in the reproductive organs, women rarely pay attention to changes in the structure of the ovary. The development of follicular adenoma occurs gradually. In this case, the woman may not even be aware of the formation of a tumor. Sometimes various menstrual cycle disorders occur. The first sign of follicular cancer is the primary formation, which appears as a cystic formation. If such a capsule is not removed, new smaller cysts begin to form over time. Subsequently, an extensive tumor develops, which cannot be cured by surgery. Regular examinations help to detect an adenoma at an early stage: ultrasound, mammography and examination by a gynecologist. In addition, many women share on forums

Adenoma of follicular origin (synonym - follicular adenoma) is a benign tumor mass that arises from the hair follicle and forms a neoplasm similar to a cystic growth. It is rarely malignant and does not lead to the death of the patient. However, this condition can cause cosmetic defects and discomfort in the area where it is located.

The cause of follicular adenoma is unknown, but there are a number of factors that can increase your risk of developing it. These include heredity, aging of the body, taking certain medications and some chronic diseases. Also, the connection between follicular adenoma and androgens is controversial - hormonal