Biliary tract adenoma

Bile duct adenomas or bile cysts (including cystadenocystoma) are neoplasms characterized by proliferation of the mucous membrane of the bile ducts and the formation of multiple cholangiolar formations of various shapes, positions and sizes. Without proper treatment, bile duct adenoma may become torsion, which can cause life-threatening complications. Laparoscopic dissection of bile duct adenomas is the most effective method of removing these formations and preventing complications.

Adenoma is a benign tumor arising from glandular tissue. It can appear in various human organs, including the intestines. It grows slowly, but over time can cause death. Adenoma is usually diagnosed after it reaches a significant size. A doctor can detect an adenoma by feeling the patient's abdomen. In some cases, an ultrasound or CT scan may be required. Surgery is rarely performed, but in some cases gastric resection is necessary. Treatment of adenoma is mainly surgical: adenectomy (removal of the adenoma) and other interventions if it is impossible to remove the adenoma within healthy tissue.