Adiposis (Adiposis), Liposis (Liposis)

Adiposis, Liposis - excessive accumulation of fat in the human body. It can occur as a result of overeating, disruption of hormonal regulation in the body, as well as as a result of metabolic disorders in it. Morbid obesity (adiposis dolorosa) occurs more often in women than in men and is manifested by painful fat deposits, the appearance of which is accompanied by disruption of the functioning of the nervous system. See also Obesity.

Adiposition and liposis are excessive accumulation of fatty deposits in the human body, which can occur for various reasons. Adipose is one of the symptoms of another disease or disease, which is characterized by a violation of the metabolism of adipose tissue, as a factor affecting many other systems in the body. Liposis can be an independent disease, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fat cells in various organs and tissues. The complete process of describing Adiposia and Liposia will be described below.

Adipose disorder is usually diagnosed when a person is significantly overweight and suffers from pain or chronic energy deficiency due to poor fat intake or other metabolic problems. Excessive accumulation of fats in the body

Adiposis and liposis are diseases characterized by the accumulation of an excess number of adipocytes in tissues, which occurs as a result of alimentary excess energy in food and metabolic disorders. Adiposis can be accompanied by inflammation of adipose tissue, which is manifested by pain. Excessive accumulation of adipose tissue is characteristic of periods of increased consumption of fatty foods in combination with restrictions on physical activity, and is also a protective reaction of the body when blood flow decreases due to vascular pathology. With a significant excess of adipose cells and their lipid content, lipoproteins are formed, which are of great importance for atherosclerosis. The presence of an increased content of foam cells in adipose tissue may indicate various degenerative conditions and their malignant transformations.

Liposis is a lumpy formation of subcutaneous fat tissue with air bubbles inside, which is a type of adiposis, the transformation of the cellular structure of the adipocyte into bubbles filled with liquid colloid, that is, lymphocytes and epidermal cells that form a depot of fat and protein mass, which is one of the response mechanisms for regulating immunity .

Clinically, liposis is determined by palpation. External manifestations of various degrees of lipocytosis have not been sufficiently studied. The following degrees of liposis are distinguished: * I degree - areas of small lumpy obesity, the appearance of normal fat folds is acceptable; * II degree – pronounced areas of lipomastia, the appearance of soft tubercles with surrounding ridge-like thickenings (formation of specific “lipogranulomas”); * Grade III is characterized by a significant degree of lipoma; detection of areas of fibrous dysplasia; thickening of the skin and scar formation, sometimes with a tendency to ulceration; hair loss in areas of lipoma, formation of small pigmented formations; ossification of lipogranulomatous thickenings is possible;

Very rarely – tumor growth up to 3–5 centimeters, similar to the breast type. **Liposis treatment**

Because the underlying pathogenesis of liposis is the general pathogenesis of immune dysregulation, there is no one ideal effective treatment for liposis. Treatment will depend entirely on the etiology of the disease, which is usually determined by the diagnostician. Each age group and predominant cause of obesity has its own optimal treatment method. However, it should be noted that lipocytectomy is usually less effective for long-term weight control because it does not prevent recurrence of fat accumulation. The main approach to treatment is