Adler Individual Psychology

Adler was one of the most famous and influential psychologists of the early 20th century. His individual psychology was based on the idea that people strive to achieve their goals and shape their personality. Adler believed that each person has his own unique goals and values ​​that he strives to achieve in life.

Adler believed that personality is formed through interaction with other people and the environment. He also believed that people can influence other people and society as a whole, and that this influence can be both positive and negative.

Adler's individual psychology was aimed at helping people achieve their goals and shape their personality. He believed that this required helping people understand their goals and values, as well as teaching them how to communicate and interact with other people.

One of the main principles of Adler's individual psychology was the pursuit of perfection. He believed that man always strives for the best and that achieving perfection is an important goal for every person.

In general, Adler's individual psychology had a great influence on the development of psychology and psychotherapy in the 20th century and continues to be relevant and popular today.