Aerootitis Acute

Aerootitis is a disease of the auditory system (ear and eardrum), which occurs as a result of exposure to external factors on the body. In this case, the most dangerous factor is exposure to noise. Common causes of aerootitis development: 1. Ear diseases accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity (intracranial otitis). 2. Head or head injuries. 3. General decrease in immunity, constant overwork. 4. Acclimatization. 5. Violation of the protective properties of blood and blood vessel walls. 6. Exposure to various drugs that are toxic to the nervous system, including antibiotics. 7. Foreign bodies entering the fluid outlet hole. 8. Death of the parotid sebaceous glands. 9. Infectious diseases. 10. Infection with fungus or bacteria. Symptoms of acute aerootitis develop very quickly - from several hours to several days. Most often, this form of the disease occurs in children aged 2-6 years. In adults, the disease can occur due to a previous traumatic brain injury or general intoxication of the body. The first sign of the disease is severe ear congestion and sharp throbbing pain in the ear area. As a rule, such symptoms are observed not only in people suffering from aerootitis, but also in those who are nearby. Later, sleep disturbances, headaches, severe weakness and general intoxication of the body may appear. Some patients complain of deterioration in health even in complete silence. With purulent aerootitis, the tympanic membrane may melt and the contents of the auditory tube may leak out. This is accompanied by the appearance of abundant and transparent discharge, which turns brownish, as well as purulent discharge. The main measure to prevent aerootitis is to protect the auditory organs from various mechanical, thermal, chemical and sound influences. It is important to observe occupational and rest hygiene, proper sports activities and wearing properly fitted headphones and earplugs for swimming. It is also necessary to monitor the state of the immune system. The development of acute aeroititis due to improper use of antibiotics poses a great danger.