Anti-burn spray for children

There is probably no person who has never suffered burns in his life. Each of us is capable of thinking about something different, losing attentiveness and coming to our senses only with the burning pain of spilled tea or leaning against a switched-on heater. You can get burns anytime, anywhere. These are sunburns and burns from boiling water, this is a hair dryer accidentally leaned against the neck while drying your hair and a carelessly blown out candle. I could go on for a long time, but the point is that after being burned a couple of times, you will definitely think: isn’t it time to replenish your home medicine cabinet with the best burn remedy to help soothe the pain and speed up skin healing?

Let's try to understand the huge variety of burn remedies available in pharmacies and understand which one is the best.

Panthenol spray
the best universal remedy for household and sunburn, and more

Price an aerosol can with a volume of 130 ml is about 300 rubles.

The spray is a gentle, airy foam that is sprayed from a can directly onto the injured area of ​​the skin. Panthenol spray is recommended not only for sunburn, household burns, boiling water burns, but also for other types of skin damage - abrasions, scratches, postoperative wounds, etc.

The active substance - dexpanthenol, penetrating through the skin, promotes the synthesis of biologically active substances, accelerates wound healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The main advantage Panthenol spray can be considered a release form: to apply the drug to the skin, you do not need to use any additional means (cotton swabs, spatulas, etc.), which significantly reduces the likelihood of burn infection.

Negatives the product was not identified, therefore, on a ten-point scale, it was assigned a rating of 10.

Reviews: “Panthenol spray is the best remedy for household burns. It has become an integral attribute in our home medicine cabinet. It is very convenient to apply - given that the burned area is very painful, applying ointment or cream causes severe discomfort. And this drug - I shook the can, sprayed it and forgot."

Bepanten Plus
best cream for burns

Price tubes weighing 30 g are about 250 rubles.

The active ingredient is the same as in Panthenol spray - dexpanthenol, but one of the auxiliary components of the cream is an antimicrobial substance. This makes it possible to comprehensively treat thermal and sunburns, as well as prevent bacterial infections in trophic ulcers, cracked nipples in nursing women, etc.

Conditionallynegative The quality of the cream can be considered the need to apply it to burns and wounds “manually” - directly with your fingers or a cotton swab, which can create discomfort. But the antimicrobial effect of the cream covers this “flaw”, so grade Bepanten Plus – 10 points.

Reviews: “I used Bepanten Plus several times, and each time it was effective. One of the best remedies for burns, but the smell is too “medical”; it is not always convenient to “wear” the cream in a public place."

good remedy for complex burns

Price an aerosol can weighing 80g is about 250 rubles.

Olazol is a whole complex of active ingredients, including an antibiotic (Levomycetin), an anesthetic (Anestezin), a stimulator of regeneration processes (sea buckthorn oil). This “rich” cocktail allows the spray to be used in a wider range: non-healing or infected burns, microbial eczema, trophic ulcers and other conditions accompanied by bacterial infection or causing a risk of it. In addition, anesthesin has a local anesthetic effect, which, in the case of painful burns and injuries, makes it possible to do without systemic pain medications.

TO shortcomings Olazol may include possible individual intolerance to its components, as well as its undesirable use in case of sunburn: the antibiotic contained in the spray can cause an allergic reaction.

Olazol's rating is 9 points out of 10, this is one of the best remedies for complex burns.

Reviews: “My husband severely burned his hand at work, and it was not immediately possible to provide help. A large blister formed on the hand, which burst after a few hours and began to bleed. We recommended Olazol, and we were not mistaken: it relieves pain well, the wound began to dry out within a day. Now even the scar is barely noticeable, although I thought that a huge scar would remain."

best ointment for burns

Price tubes weighing 35 g average 350 rubles.

The main active components of the ointment are substances that stimulate skin regeneration - vitamins A, E and D. By stimulating tissue metabolism, Radevit allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin in case of thermal burns, any uninfected wounds, and also has a symptomatic effect in dermatoses, eliminating skin itching. The product can easily be called one of the best ointments for burns.

In addition, Radevit promotes normal skin hydration. Often the “new” skin that grows on wounds becomes overdried, cracks form on it, as a result of which secondary infection is possible. Thanks to the optimal level of moisture when using Radevit, this risk is minimized.

Main positive The cream has a small number of contraindications: the active components of Radevit are substances present in the human body. Therefore, its use is possible in children under 1 year of age, in pregnant and lactating women.

TO shortcomings There may be a limitation on the time of use: with prolonged use of the cream, the development of hypervitaminosis A, E, D is possible.

Score on a 10-point scale – 8.

Reviews: “At one time I treated a child’s burn from boiling water (small, about 3 cm in diameter). The skin has healed well, a small scar is visible only against the background of tanned skin. But the cream is very greasy and is slowly absorbed."

Sea buckthorn oil
best natural remedy for burns

Price a 50ml bottle costs about 200 rubles.

This is perhaps the most famous and best natural remedy for treating thermal burns. This popularity is due to the almost complete harmlessness of sea buckthorn oil and the absence of contraindications (with the exception of allergic reactions to the components of the oil and/or individual intolerance).

The main active ingredients of sea buckthorn oil: biologically active components that stimulate skin regeneration and healing and provide an antiseptic effect. To treat burns, only natural oil is used - undiluted.

TO positive The advantages of sea buckthorn oil include its versatility and wide range of indications: the presence of this product in the home medicine cabinet is a good help in the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns and even a number of systemic diseases, such as vitamin deficiencies. The oil may contain additives such as cedar resin, which further enhances the effectiveness of the product.

Conditionallynegative Its quality can be called its liquid consistency, which presents a certain inconvenience during application. In addition, the high fat content causes some “danger” for clothing, especially when applied externally to fidgety children.

However, the 100% natural origin of this product, high efficiency and minimal number of contraindications provided it with a score of 10 points.

Reviews: “I never forget to replenish the reserves of sea buckthorn oil in the first aid kit. The best remedy for all occasions: it started when I was treating my youngest son’s burn from a motorcycle exhaust pipe, then while traveling to the dacha I forgot hand cream at home and used the oil (I highly recommend it, by the way ), and now I just can’t do without it!"

First aid for burns

For burns that are not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, a burned area is necessary place for 15-20 minutes under a gentle stream of cold water. After this, you need to dry the burn with soft blotting movements using a sterile gauze pad, and apply a burn remedy.

Apply a dry sterile bandage to a burn with skin damage (make sure that the bandage does not put pressure on the wound). In case of burn injuries with a violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as in case of extensive lesions, under no circumstances use any wound products, even if you are sure of their effectiveness. This is due to the fact that for some time after receiving a burn, the wound remains sterile (due to exposure to high temperatures) and the application of any products, even those intended to treat burns, carries a risk of infection.

Burns requiring medical attention

Treatment of a burn at home is allowed only in cases where it is accompanied by redness of the burned area (small blisters up to 1 cm in diameter filled with clear liquid may appear), and the total area of ​​skin damage does not exceed the size of the victim’s palm. If a burn is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms and circumstances, the victim should be taken to the nearest emergency department:

  1. the affected area exceeds the size of the palm;
  2. burns on the face, genitals, mucous membranes of the nose and/or mouth;
  3. “sticky” fragments of clothing remained at the burn site;
  4. the contents of the blister are opaque (with inclusions of blood and pus);
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. nausea, vomiting, confusion;
  7. the victim is too young or old;
  8. a recent illness that has weakened a person’s immune system.

Before the victim is examined by a doctor, he must be provided with plenty of fluids and rest. In case of severe pain, the patient can be given an anesthetic (in case of confusion or unconsciousness, all drugs are administered only by injection!).

A burn is one of the most common types of injury. It is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin and is accompanied by severe pain. Without appropriate treatment, serious complications can develop. Burn therapy depends on the type and severity of the injury.

Types of burns

There are several types depending on the cause and area of ​​the lesion.

By type of impact

Depending on the source of exposure, burns can be of the following types.

  1. Thermal. They occur under the influence of high temperatures in contact with hot objects, boiling liquids, steam, or fire.
  2. Chemical. Causes caustic alkalis, acids, salts of heavy metals.
  3. Electrical. The cause is lightning or electric shock.
  4. Radiation. Formed from infrared, ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.

Most often in everyday life we ​​encounter thermal and radiation, or rather, solar burns.

By area affected

To determine the area of ​​damage, the so-called “rule of the palm” is used. It means that the area of ​​the palm is equal to 1% of the entire surface of human skin. Using this method to determine the affected area, burns are divided into two types:

  1. Extensive, when the affected area is more than 10%;
  2. Non-extensive, in which the total area of ​​all affected areas is less than 10-15%.

Degrees of burns

The degree is determined by the depth of damage to the skin and surrounding tissues. Grade I is characterized by redness of the burned area. Recovery occurs in 2-3 days. At stage II, bubbles with transparent contents form. Treatment takes about 2 weeks.

Superficial radiation burn of the second degree

And the most severe degrees are III and IV, in which deep tissue damage occurs down to the bones.

Brown to black crusts form at the site of the burned area. Treatment is carried out in medical institutions. It takes several months to recover.

Thermal burn of the third degree with damage to the integrity of the skin

According to the classification, such burns are classified as deep, and degrees I and II are classified as superficial.

First aid

In case of a burn without compromising the integrity of the skin, the affected area should be cooled by holding it under cold running water for about 15-20 minutes. Then dry using a clean napkin using blotting movements. Do not rub the burned area. All actions should be gentle so as not to further injure the wound and cause additional pain to the victim. Next, apply a healing agent and give an analgesic.

First aid for a burn with a violation of the integrity of the skin is to apply an aseptic bandage. It is forbidden to cool the affected area and apply medications. Give the victim a pain reliever, ensure plenty of fluids and rest. Then resolve the issue of transportation to the nearest medical facility.

Indications for seeking medical help

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. With a large affected area;
  2. If the mucous membranes, perineal area or face are damaged;
  3. If particles of clothing are found in the wound;
  4. If the contents of the blisters contain blood or pus;
  5. If the general condition worsens (fever, vomiting, confusion);
  6. If a child or elderly person is injured.

Recommendations for choosing an effective remedy for burns

Your home medicine cabinet must contain a remedy for burn injuries, especially if there are children in the family. Which drug is better to buy? How to choose the most effective, but at the same time inexpensive and safe medicine? You can use the following selection criteria:

  1. Versatility. The drug should help with various burns, and also be suitable for treating other skin injuries. The combination of analgesic, healing and antibacterial effect would be ideal. Thus, one product will allow you to replace several drugs, which will significantly save both your budget and space in your medicine cabinet.
  2. Safety. The composition must include only environmentally friendly and safe components. Then it can be used even for children. Therefore, it is better to choose a product from a trusted manufacturer and purchase it at a pharmacy to avoid the risk of running into a fake.
  3. Ease of use. The easy method of application is a definite plus. Sprays and aerosols are good in this regard. They can be used anywhere as they do not require additional tools for application. It is also convenient to use bandages and plasters impregnated with a medicinal composition. But such products are much more expensive than ointments and creams.
  4. Efficiency. After reading reviews on the Internet, you can find out how many were satisfied with the therapeutic effect of the drug. You should also consult your doctor or pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Rating of the best remedies for burns in 2019

Taking into account the above selection criteria, we offer the Top 10 most popular and high-quality products in 2019 from the best manufacturers at an affordable price.

The average price of a 50 ml bottle is 200 rubles.

The most popular natural remedy. Stimulates wound healing, moisturizes, and has an antiseptic effect.

  1. Helps with all types of burns;
  2. High efficiency;
  3. Low cost;
  4. Protects against infection;
  5. Safe to treat children, pregnant and lactating women.
  1. Hypersensitivity to components;
  2. Inconvenient application;
  3. Stains on clothes.

Average price 1 piece. size 7.5*10 cm - 70 rub.

It is a cotton material impregnated with an ointment based on Peruvian balsam. Apply to the affected area and change every 2-3 days.

  1. Heals wounds well without forming scars;
  2. Convenient use;
  3. Painless dressing change;
  4. Suitable for treating children.
  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. Not suitable for treating extensive burns.

The average price of a 30 g tube is 150 rubles.

The natural composition has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

  1. Wide scope of application;
  2. Budget price;
  3. Contains only natural ingredients;
  4. Very effective.
  5. Does not leave marks on clothes.
  1. An allergic reaction to the components is possible.

The average price of a 30 g tube is 130 rubles.

The healing balm contains unique natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, moisturizing and softening effects.

  1. Suitable for treating lesions of any degree;
  2. Environmentally friendly product;
  3. Inexpensive price.
  1. Forms a greasy film on the skin that takes a long time to absorb;
  2. An allergic reaction to individual components is possible.

The average price of a 50 g cylinder is 400 rubles.

Soothing spray based on medicinal herbs. Easy to apply. Quickly relieves pain and burning.

  1. Convenient use without contact with damaged skin surface;
  2. Fast healing without scarring;
  3. Safe natural composition;
  4. Absorbs well without leaving a stain on clothes.
  1. Expensive price;
  2. Individual intolerance is possible.

The average price of a 40 g tube is 130 rubles.

Healing ointment with antibacterial effect. Used for 2-3 degree burns.

  1. Accelerates the recovery of affected skin;
  2. There are no contraindications due to age;
  3. Prevents infection of the damaged area;
  4. Affordable price.
  1. There is a risk of a local allergic reaction.

The average price of a 35 g tube is 350 rubles.

The composition contains vitamins A, D and E, which act on tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating skin regeneration. Thanks to its moisturizing effect, it prevents secondary infection of healing wounds.

  1. High efficiency;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Can be used in children under one year of age, during pregnancy and lactation;
  4. Cools, eliminating pain and itching.
  1. Oily in consistency, poorly absorbed, leaving marks on clothes;
  2. Do not use for a long time, as it can lead to hypervitaminosis;
  3. High price.

The average price of a can of 80 g is 250 rubles.

Contains chloramphenicol (antibacterial effect), benzocaine (pain-relieving effect), sea buckthorn oil (promotes healing). The aerosol ensures uniform distribution of the product on the surface of the wound.

  1. Highly effective in treating complex burns;
  2. Complex action of the drug;
  3. Ease of use.
  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. There is a risk of allergy to the antibacterial component;
  3. Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 2 years of age.

The average cost of a 30 g tube is 250 rubles.

Contains dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine, which is an excellent antiseptic. Apply using a cotton swab or spatula.

  1. High efficiency;
  2. Cooling effect;
  3. Versatility;
  4. Prevents infection;
  5. Safe. It is used in children under one year of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
  1. Individual intolerance to components;
  2. High price;
  3. Inconvenient to apply and causing discomfort.

The average price of a 130 ml cylinder is 300 rubles.

The main component of the spray is dexpanthenol. It has a high regenerating ability. Light foam is painlessly applied to the burned area and turns into a thin film.

Panthenol spray, known in world pharmaceuticals as Panthenol, is used for dermatitis, as well as to eliminate the effects of burns on the skin. The product has gained worldwide recognition due to its high efficiency and harmlessness to the body. It is recommended by leading experts from many countries around the world. Next, we’ll look at how to properly apply foam in the form of an aerosol to the skin for various types of burns.

Aerosol composition

The basis of the drug Panthenol, the second name is bepanten, is the active substance dexpanthenol, a derivative of pantothenic acid, a vitamin B5 compound. All body tissues need this compound. Thanks to the main component, there is a pronounced effect on the processes of oxidation, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and the synthesis of epithelial tissue.

According to the instructions, the product is used:

  1. from sunburn;
  2. in case of thermal damage;
  3. after exposure of the skin to acids and alkalis.

One container contains:

  1. Active ingredient: dexpanthenol 2.5 g or 5.0 g;
  2. Excipients: cetostearyl emulsifying alcohol type A, macrogolglycerol cocoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water, purified water, freon 134a.

Aerosol release form and packaging

The drug Panthenol is available in the form of an aerosol for external use in aluminum cans with a safety valve and a spray nozzle with a volume of 130 g. The can is packaged in a cardboard box, which includes detailed instructions with a description.

The spray is available in several types:

  1. with tea tree oil for antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  2. with jojoba oil for excellent moisturizing of sensitive and irritated skin;
  3. with propolis to enhance intracellular metabolic processes and counteract skin aging;
  4. with aloe vera for cracks, burns and dermatoses, as well as for the prevention of herpetic rashes.

pharmachologic effect

Dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). It has a reparative effect, stimulating the formation and function of epithelial tissue, has anti-inflammatory activity, and eliminates pantothenic acid deficiency. In the body it forms an active metabolite - pantothepic acid, which is a substrate stimulator of the synthesis of coenzyme A, which plays a central role in cellular metabolism:

  1. catalyzing apylation and oxidation,
  2. participates in almost all metabolic processes (tricarboxylic acid cycle, metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, phospholipids, proteins, etc.).
  3. provides the formation of corticosteroids,
  4. acetylcholine and porphyrins

👩🏻‍⚕️ When used externally, dexpanthenol is quickly absorbed by the skin, turning into pantothenic acid. Penetrates especially well into the affected tissue. Pantothenic acid binds to plasma proteins, it does not undergo biotransformation and is excreted unchanged from the body mainly in urine (60-70%) and feces.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The healing effect of panthenol spray is manifested:

  1. in anesthesia of the affected area, which affects the general well-being of the victim;
  2. in providing anti-inflammatory protection to a moderate extent;
  3. in a wound healing direction.

The rate of recovery after burn pathologies with the use of panthenol aerosol increases significantly.

An important factor in the action of the drug is not accumulation, but the removal of the ingredients of the product after decomposition in a natural way.

Indications for use of the aerosol

What is it used for? Panthenol spray is prescribed to patients for the following conditions:

  1. Minor cuts and scrapes of the skin to speed up the healing process;
  2. Excessive dry skin;
  3. Sun or thermal burns (1-2 degrees);
  4. Dermatitis of various origins;
  5. Diaper rash in children;
  6. Bedsores in bedridden patients;
  7. Boils and pustular skin lesions after opening the abscess to accelerate regeneration;
  8. Poorly healing small wounds;
  9. Cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

Contraindications ⛔

“Panthenol spray” has no restrictions on use. Suitable for treating all types of burn injuries. No negative reactions to the drug were detected in elderly people and children.

Not recommended for use:

  1. if you are allergic to bee products;
  2. if you are sensitive to other components of the spray, skin itching is possible;
  3. Use with caution in people with asthma. The propellant included in the composition can provoke an attack.

No negative interactions with other medications have been identified. There is no information on combination with alcohol-containing substances. Do not use on wet wounds with discharge.

Instructions for use of Panthenol spray

To obtain the optimal therapeutic effect, the aerosol is used after cleansing the skin of dirt and fatty secretions. According to the official instructions, the container with the drug must be shaken several times to obtain a uniform, high-quality foam. Apply to dry skin 3-4 times a day. For uniform spraying, it is recommended to keep the bottle at a distance of 20-25 cm from the treated skin area. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the problem. Continued use of the drug after elimination of pronounced symptoms is not required.

How long should I keep Panthenol spray on my skin? ⏳

  1. If there is no discomfort after applying the spray, then it does not need to be washed off after it has been absorbed. If a greasy film remains, then after 1.5-2 hours the product can be washed off.
  2. As a mask ingredient, the time it takes to remove it depends on how well the main ingredients are calculated.
  3. The product can be left on the hair for up to 3 hours if there are no allergic reactions.

The method of using panthenol spray is the same for all areas of the skin: holding the spray in a vertical position, spray the foam evenly, shaking the bottle well before doing so.

When applied topically, Panthenol is quickly absorbed into cells, forming pantothenic acid or vitamin B5. Its main functions:

  1. stops inflammatory processes;
  2. protects mucous membranes from infection;
  3. removes the effects of stress;
  4. restores nerve cell reactions.

The main component is dexpanthenol. Its conversion to pantothenic acid performs a number of functions:

  1. normalizes the level of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  2. strengthens collagen fibers;
  3. restores metabolism;
  4. promotes healing;
  5. relieves inflammation.

Panthenol spray for burns

Panthenol spray for burns is a medicine that helps relieve symptoms, accelerate healing and tissue restoration. The product is also available in other forms and is considered an effective way to provide first aid for this type of injury.

Burns come in various types:

  1. chemical (obtained with acids, solutions, alkalis, metal salts);
  2. thermal (damage to skin and tissues from exposure to high temperatures);
  3. electrical (injuries from electrical discharges);
  4. radiation (injury to the skin by ultraviolet, infrared, ionizing rays).

Aerosol foam Panthenol has excellent wound healing properties for burns of various origins. This can be a classic damage to the skin surface from steam from an iron, boiling water, splashes of hot oil, as well as burns from jellyfish or hogweed plants. A gentle healing foam is an excellent aid in the treatment of skin damage caused by sun rays and UV radiation in a solarium.

Panthenol spray for burns: instructions for use at different degrees

The use of the spray is allowed for burn injuries of 1-2 degrees:

  1. in the first degree, minor skin damage occurs in the form of redness, swelling, the injury is accompanied by pain;
  2. in the second degree, under the influence of an aggressive factor, the rapid formation of blisters filled with transparent contents occurs.

Burns of 3-4 degrees require urgent hospitalization, treatment exclusively under the supervision of doctors.

Before using the spray, the burn wound should be cooled under running water and, if necessary, cleaned with an antiseptic to prevent secondary infection.

There are no age restrictions for the use of panthenol spray; there are no contraindications. The drug is safe for babies and pregnant women. Due to the structure of the skin, treatment of burns of young children is recommended under the supervision of a doctor, regardless of the degree of damage.

Foam aerosol Panthenol for sunburn 🌞

Foam spray Panthenol

Sunburn occurs when the skin is exposed to aggressive ultraviolet rays. With the help of Panthenol in the form of a cream, spray or ointment, sunburn is treated. It is more convenient, of course, to use a spray, especially for severe sun burns.

In this case, the contact of the burned skin with the hands is minimized, which in itself can cause pain. The speed and ease of application of the drug is also important.

For sunburn, Panthenol aerosol has the following effects:

  1. Cooling and regenerating;
  2. Anti-inflammatory;
  3. Moisture-retaining (a film is created that prevents liquid from evaporating from the surface of the burn).

For sunburn, Panthenol provides fairly rapid relief after the first use.

Side effects 🤒

Even with long-term use of the drug Panthenol in aerosol form, no side effects were observed in patients. In rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity, allergic reactions on the skin may occur.

Sometimes you may experience:

  1. itching;
  2. rashes;
  3. the occurrence of hyperemia in healthy areas of the epidermis.

This indicates an allergy to the drug. In this case, you should stop using it.

Use during pregnancy

The composition of the drug does not contain substances that adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, the product is allowed for use by women during pregnancy.

For children

The instructions for use indicate that Panthenol spray can be used to treat burns in children of any age. If the child is seriously injured, the child should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Due to the special structure of the skin, small patients tolerate burn injuries much worse.

Special instructions 🎯

A list of important nuances that must be taken into account when treating with Panthenol:

  1. If allergic reactions occur, you will have to immediately stop using the drug.
  2. There are no restrictions on use for the elderly.
  3. Since the cylinder is under pressure, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. Ambient temperatures above 50 °C are also extremely undesirable.
  4. Factors such as pregnancy and lactation are not an obstacle to using the drug. In these cases, Panthenol is used if there are clear indications.

Terms of sale and shelf life ⏳

  1. Over the counter
  2. At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Types and analogues

Most often in pharmacies you buy a spray, the method of application of which is very simple and familiar to many patients. However, this drug can be supplied not only in different forms, but also by different manufacturers:

  1. Ointment for burns Teva-Panthenol (Germany);
  2. Dexpanthenol (of the same name as the active element);
  3. Ointment for burns Panthenol D of domestic production.

The most popular analogues include:

  1. Bepanten. Has an effect identical to the drug. However, its forms have more serious differences. For example, Bepanten-Plus has disinfecting properties due to Chlorhexidine included in its composition;
  2. Actovegin. A product aimed exclusively at tissue restoration;
  3. Rescuer. Not recommended for extensive, deep lesions. Consists of natural ingredients. For simple wounds, sometimes it is more universal;
  4. Fusiderm. It effectively eliminates the consequences of contact with hot oil, as it is absorbed into deep layers.

Additional tips for using spray (foam)

  1. Before direct application, the can must be shaken so that the foam has a dense consistency;
  2. The cylinder must be kept in a strictly vertical position, the valve must be located at the top;
  3. When first used, a small amount of gas may escape. There is no need to be scared, this is a completely normal phenomenon;
  4. After the foam is completely absorbed, a thin film is formed that does not need to be washed off or removed in any other way. It has a protective effect on the damaged area;
  5. You cannot apply the spray to your face from a container. Since there is a risk of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, in the oral or nasal cavities. It is best to first apply the foam to your hand and only then gently apply to the damaged areas of the skin.

Panthenol spray (foam) is one of the best pharmaceutical options for treating sunburn on the skin. It does not contain additives and will quickly and effectively help get rid of burns on the skin. So you should not refuse this remedy if such an incident occurs.