Why do women take Aevit for wrinkles?

The skin of the face, which is most exposed to the external environment and has a more delicate and thin structure, needs nutrition and protection. For this, various care products are used.

One of the groups of such products is characterized by the presence of vitamins in the composition, which improve the appearance of the skin and help smooth out wrinkles.

The most proven vitamins in the fight against wrinkles are Tocopherol and Retinol.

Tocopherol is vitamin E, and Retinol is vitamin A.

Tocopherol is the strongest antioxidant. The antioxidant property qualitatively destroys free radicals, which are actively involved in the processes of aging and wear and tear of the body and its skin.

Tocopherol also provides the skin with protection from ultraviolet radiation. You can add a few drops to a carrier oil and apply to your face as a UV protectant. Tocopherol normalizes the fat balance of the skin, relieves the effect of skin peeling.

Retinol is an essential element in the production of collagen and elastin, they create strength in our skin, shape it, and are responsible for turgor. In addition, retinol lightens skin areas with pigment-type darkening and age spots and darkening, and suppresses the development of a pathogenic environment.

The pharmacological industry produces a drug in which the wonderful properties of retinol and tocopherol, A and E, are combined. The drug is called AEVIT. Available in the form of transparent gelatin capsules with an oil solution, highly saturated with the above-mentioned vitamins.

Thus, Aevit is a wonderful remedy for eliminating wrinkles. It helps against wrinkles of various types and depths.

These include expression lines, crow's feet and age-related folds on the skin, it fights against age-related factors and aggressive environmental factors, ranging from weather conditions to poor ecology, and copes well with the signs of dry, irritated skin prone to flaking.

Does Aevit help against wrinkles?

Vitamin A and E, when combined, have a double effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in skin cells, increase the protective forces of epidermal cells, activate regeneration processes, promote moisture conservation in epithelial cells, improve blood flow, mutually enhance each other’s properties (for which, vitamin E, for example, prevents oxidation processes, thereby prolonging the potential effect of vitamin A) and are in highly effective interaction.

Due to these qualities, Aevit, when applied externally, rejuvenates the skin of the face, triggers renewal processes in it, the creation of new young cells, and is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and moisturize. The skin acquires the properties of smoothness and elasticity, becomes less vulnerable, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Helps reduce deep wrinkles, age, facial expressions. Since it has a very good effect on the overall appearance of the skin, this visual effect means that deep wrinkles are not so noticeable. Creates a noticeable lifting effect.

How to properly use a vitamin complex for women?

  1. Buy the drug only in pharmacies that have certificates and a guarantee of the quality and desired properties of the drug.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date - if Aevit is expired, at least by a day, do not take it, only strictly adhere to the expiration date and use it on your face.
  3. One more nuance, very important, you need to store this product correctly. According to the instructions - storage in a place without access to light, in no case in a room with high humidity.
  4. It is also necessary to do a test to determine if you have allergies. To do this, pierce the capsule with a needle, lubricate the oily liquid with your finger and lightly rub it into the skin on the elbow; the skin there is thinner and more susceptible, so tests for an allergic reaction are usually done on this area of ​​the body.

After 10 minutes, wipe off the oily liquid with a towel. Throughout the day, be aware of the sensation in this area.
If you notice symptoms such as scratching, a burning sensation, if irritation or a reddish rash appears in this area of ​​the skin, then Aevit is not your remedy, avoid this drug.

If everything is fine, go ahead and master a new technique for youth and beauty.

Now about the options for using this wonderful elixir:

  1. You can use an oil vitamin solution from their capsules without adding other active ingredients to it, applying this liquid to problem areas. Considering that the solution is highly concentrated, dilute the liquid from one capsule in half a teaspoon of water and at the same time moisten the skin itself generously with water.

Only after this, distribute the composition over the skin, lightly tap it in with your fingertips. Don’t forget to blot the application area with a cotton pad after five minutes.

You can use a complex vitamin as an additive to the cream you use as a night cream.

How to enrich your night cream:

  1. To do this, pierce the capsule with the vitamin complex with a needle.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of night cream onto the center of your palm.
  3. Squeeze the oily vitamin solution from the capsule onto the cream.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Apply to the face, spread the cream over the skin with light, sensitive movements, running your fingers along the generally accepted massage lines.
  6. Adhering to the same directions, tap your fingertips across your face, facilitating the absorption of the cream into the layers of the skin, creating a light massage effect.

The result from using the vitamin complex is observed both when using one oil preparation without additives, and in combination with a night cream, almost equally. Make a choice in favor of the option that is more pleasant and convenient for you.

  1. Another way to use a night cream is to apply the oil solution from the capsule to the skin of the face 30 minutes after applying the cream.
  2. You can try the effect of Aevit in combination with vegetable oils.

Cottonseed oil, jodoba oil, and olive oil are also suitable. Take half a teaspoon of oil and add a solution from one Aevita capsule, mix thoroughly and apply to facial skin.

After ten to fifteen minutes have passed, remove any residue from your face by blotting with a soft natural fabric towel. You can use a special terry cotton napkin for this procedure.

When using Aevit for cosmetic purposes, still do not forget about the sense of proportion, do not think that dosage is important only for oral use.

And here a sense of proportion will not hurt.

Let's say your skin is very tired, your face is, so to speak, in the process of fading, it is furrowed with wrinkles - then you can use Aevit (as a cream, masks or an independent product) every day, but following the courses, taking intervals between them.

The number of procedures in one course is from ten to fifteen.

If you decide to use Aevit as a preventive measure, or to correct mild problems with wrinkles, then do it a couple of times a week.

That is, you need to first nourish the skin, and then give it periods of rest, weaning itself off from this effect.

Only then will you be able to get the maximum benefit from this wonderful remedy.

Another trick about Aevit, it will come in handy when using the oil version.

The oily layer on the face after this product is very difficult to wash off, you can really wash it off only with the use of foam cleanser, but all “washes” have a drying effect, because along with unnecessary substances, they also wash out the necessary substances from the skin.

Therefore, it will be better and more convenient to take a thick, dry cotton pad and gently blot the skin.

This will be quite enough, given that this procedure is recommended specifically as an evening procedure, ideally done a short time before bedtime.

  1. Don’t forget about such basic things as cleansing your hands and face before each procedure; the needle for piercing the capsule should also be clean.
  2. Remember that vitamins are not good friends with high temperatures and heat. They cannot be added to heated formulations. Room temperature ingredients only.
  3. If you mix the vitamin with the base, then be sure to do it in a glass or ceramic or plastic container (with a mixing spatula - the same conditions); metal objects are not allowed.

In addition to creams and single use, Aevit can also be added to masks as one of the components (after masks with the addition of Aevit, it would be good to apply a cream or gel to nourish and moisturize the skin).

Masks using the drug

With potatoes

Boil the potatoes and puree them. Add Aevit to a tablespoon of mashed potatoes in the amount of solution from a couple of capsules.

The mask should not be cold, but you can’t let it be hot, as you remember, vitamins are destroyed at high temperatures. The composition of the mask should be at room temperature. Apply to face, rinse with warm water.

This mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The course of masks is for thirty days, twice a week. It can also be used as a means of combating wrinkles around the eyes.

From cucumber

Free the cucumber from the core with seeds; the cucumber pulp must be turned into a puree using a blender. Lightly squeeze out the juice and add a little flour, so much so that you get something like a medium-thick gruel.

At this stage we introduce Aevit.

Mix thoroughly and apply to facial skin for 10-20 minutes.

Also suitable for use around the eyes. Rinse off with warm water.

With greens

Use a blender to turn the parsley into a paste.

In order to do this, you need to add a little water during chopping, since greens are usually a bit dry, and you cannot do without additional liquid.

Take a tablespoon of the resulting ingredient and add a vitamin complex of two capsules. Great for caring for the skin around the eyes. It can be applied to the entire face, just like in other cases. This mask is good for morning skin care.

Made from oatmeal

First, take oatmeal and boil it in milk, using the same principle as you usually cook porridge.

Cool to room temperature, add 10-15 g of a solution of three Aevit capsules to a portion of the porridge.

Mix well. This composition has shown itself to be excellent in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes, especially the “crow’s feet” type. Suitable for all facial skin.

With cream

Take a teaspoon of cream, preferably fatty ones, add Aevit from one capsule. Mix thoroughly and apply to face.

This version of the mask is very gentle and gentle. – you can use it not only on the skin around the eyes, but also directly apply it to the eyelids themselves.

In general, another version of dairy products is suitable for improvisation with this wonderful mask. You can improvise with milk and yogurt (natural only, without flavorings or dyes) or add Aevit to cottage cheese. Keep the mask on your eyelids for no more than five minutes.

With avocado

Mash the avocado into a puree, a blender is not necessary here, the avocado is very soft. It is important to take a ripe soft fruit. Add three pieces of Aevit to a tablespoon of avocado puree (release the solution from the capsules).

You can also use mashed bananas instead of avocado. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes.

A high effect is also observed when using cream enriched with Aevit for lymphatic drainage facial massage.

An amazingly simple drug and its amazing effectiveness brought many representatives of the fair sex a sea of ​​positive emotions from the miraculous effect of skin rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles.

Their oral consumption also has an effect on the condition of the skin - rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the skin. A sixty-day course of a couple of capsules per day is usually offered.

Include foods rich in these beauty vitamins in your diet. The vitamin is contained in:

  1. carrots;
  2. sea ​​buckthorn;
  3. spinach;
  4. parsley;
  5. apricots;
  6. red bell pepper;
  7. fish;
  8. rosehip;
  9. tomatoes.

Since this vitamin belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, the presence of fatty foods in these dishes is necessary:

Vitamin E is present in such products as:

The best vitamins for the face in the fight against wrinkles

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Skin aging and wrinkles occur due to loss of nutrients. This may be an age factor, stress or individual metabolic disorders. The lack of substances provokes the destruction of elastin and collagen, which is why the skin folds - wrinkles. The most correct and reliable solution is vitamins for the face against wrinkles.

What vitamins exactly are needed?

A deficiency of any vitamin or mineral has a negative impact on skin health. If the body does not receive enough of something, it will “distribute” substances only to improve internal work.

Glowing skin, shiny hair and strong nails are not as important for the body as stabilizing the functioning of the organs and endocrine system.

However, it is realistic to identify exactly which substances the skin needs and to compensate for their deficiency as much as possible. For the face, which anti-wrinkle vitamin is most suitable? He is far from alone.

The following vitamins are needed for wrinkles:

  1. Vitamin E. With its deficiency, the skin becomes very dry and fragile, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Without tocopherol (vitamin E), it is difficult to absorb vitamin A.
  2. Vitamin A. It is a sufficient amount of this vitamin that helps the body independently produce collagen. With a deficiency of retinol acetate (vitamin A), the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes prone to inflammation and rashes, and regeneration decreases. The appearance of age spots and stretch marks also occurs due to a lack of Vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin C. Also responsible for the production of collagen. Its deficiency disrupts the production of new cells, vascular fragility occurs and free radicals accumulate.
  4. Vitamin D. Its deficiency is directly responsible for maintaining youthful skin and its regenerative functions.
  5. B vitamins. The most necessary ones are B1, B12, B7 and B5. Without them, skin cells suffer from nutritional deficiency and dehydration. In general, nerve cells in the body are destroyed and any stress manifests itself more strongly.

Where to look for them?

The best anti-wrinkle vitamins are natural substances. Those with which you can saturate the body from the inside, and it will independently distribute the necessary material throughout the body. It is best to get them from food. Moreover, any product contains them in its composition, but some more and others less.

Vitamin E

The daily dose of vitamin E is 15 mg, and it can be more fully obtained from food. They are famous for their high tocopherol content:

  1. Vegetable oils;
  2. Sea fish of low-fat varieties;
  3. Seafood;
  4. Nuts;
  5. Eggs;
  6. Milk;
  7. Brussels sprouts;
  1. Beans;
  2. Avocado;
  3. Prunes;
  4. Dried apricots;
  5. Spinach;
  6. Asparagus;
  7. Sorrel;
  8. Kalina;
  9. Sea ​​buckthorn;
  10. Rose hip;
  11. Oat groats;
  12. Barley grits;
  13. Wheat.

Tocopherol not only prevents skin aging, it is essential for women's health. The substance affects hormonal levels: the functioning of the ovaries and the production of estrogen. Additional intake of tocopherol restores the female cycle, and the skin becomes elastic. The natural barrier against UV radiation is increased and inflammation is eliminated.

Vitamin A

This substance is necessary for both skin rejuvenation and hair health. Daily dose – 1 mg. Vitamin A for wrinkles can be found in the following products:

The peculiarity of retinol is that it can be absorbed exclusively with fats and is combined with the simultaneous intake of tocopherol. And to foods rich in retinol, you need to add vegetable oil or sour cream. Retinol evens out skin color and makes it elastic. It is a “building block” in the structure of elastin and collagen. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for good vision.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid invigorates the entire body, and aging skin needs new energy. The daily dose of vitamin C is 75 mg. Its greatest content is in:

  1. Rosehip;
  2. Cherry;
  3. Sweet (bell) pepper;
  1. Sea buckthorn;
  2. Black currant;
  3. Parsley;
  4. Dill;
  5. Kiwi;
  6. Strawberries;
  7. Citrus;
  8. Apples.

According to a common misconception, it is not citrus fruits that contain the most ascorbic acid, but cherries and fresh rose hips. This substance creates a natural barrier for the body from free radicals, which accelerate the aging process. Participates in the creation of collagen and other connective tissues. It also perfectly strengthens the immune system and saves from depression.

Vitamin D

It is produced exclusively in the epidermis under the influence of sunlight. It is very difficult to obtain it from products and its deficiency is most common. The daily dose of cholecalciferol is 600 IU or 15 mcg. You can replenish your supplies:

  1. Cod liver;
  2. Halibut liver;
  3. Herring and other fatty fish;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Butter.

The best source is fish oil. A deficiency of this substance interferes with the absorption of vitamin A, calcium and magnesium minerals. But the best way to saturate your skin is to be in the sun.

B vitamins

Another very important anti-wrinkle substance. A deficiency of these substances destroys nerve fibers and the cells stop receiving nutrition. Daily dose of B1 – 2 mg, B12 – 3 mg, B7 – 200 mcg, B5 – 0.8 g.

  1. Brewer's yeast;
  2. Bakery products;
  3. Sunflower seeds;
  4. Sprouted wheat;
  5. Cedar nuts;
  6. Peanut;
  7. Beans.

B12 is found in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Any liver;
  3. Beef heart;
  4. Beef tongue;
  5. Fatty varieties of fish;
  6. Rabbit meat;
  7. Lamb;
  8. Beef;
  9. Cottage cheese;
  10. Cheese;

Biotin (B7) is found in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Liver;
  3. Nuts;
  4. Kidneys;
  5. Cauliflower;
  6. Eggs;
  7. Spinach.

The content of substance B5 is in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Peas;
  3. Liver;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Kidneys;
  6. Milk;
  7. Fish roe;
  8. Hazelnuts;
  9. Buckwheat;
  10. Oatmeal;
  11. Leafy green vegetables;
  12. Cauliflower.

Beef liver and brewer's yeast are the richest sources of the entire group B. It is often prescribed for various neurological problems and frequent stress. They also help grow gorgeous hair and prevent excessive hair loss.

Pharmacy assistance

It is rarely possible to obtain enough substances from food: some of them disintegrate during heat treatment, some products are inaccessible to us, and some we ourselves cannot eat. Then the best solution is to take vitamins for wrinkles on the face internally.

The simplest complex “AEVIT”. It contains only 2 substances, but they are the most necessary for the skin. The best way to compensate for B vitamin deficiency is with brewer's yeast in tablets. They can also be used for cosmetic masks. Taking fish oil also helps a lot. There is a whole complex of vitamins and many essential amino acids.

Remember the daily intake of necessary substances and see how much is contained in the preparation.

Cosmetical tools

You need to select creams containing substances E and A. You can purchase a ready-made cream called “Aevit”, or you can prepare the same one yourself by adding them to any cream. When choosing ready-made creams, look at the % content of these components - it should be at least 1%.

Cosmetologists offer the procedure vitamins for the face against wrinkles injections. A very useful procedure to saturate the skin. Mesotherapy works very well - the preparations contain a useful complex of substances.

If you influence the skin with vitamins not only from the inside, but also use external agents in combination, the effect will not be long in coming. The most popular masks are those with the addition of fat-soluble vitamin D. Among the products, almonds are known as the richest carrier of tocopherol. Any seed core is rich in this substance, as are nuts and sprouted grains. Tocopherol helps delay the formation of expression lines and age wrinkles.

Process almond grains into flour using a blender or meat grinder. The consistency should be especially fine, like flour. Add vitamins in anti-wrinkle facial ampoules to the resulting paste. For example, vitamin E. Mix well. Apply the mixture to wrinkles, hold for about 10 minutes, rinse without soap with water up to 40 degrees.

Using this paste you can perform a cleansing and rejuvenating facial massage. Prepare your face first - wash your face and remove makeup. After the massage, remove the remaining mixture with a napkin, then wash and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

If you have tocopherol in capsules, then carefully pierce one capsule and mix the contents with a teaspoon of aloe juice. The juice must be fresh. This composition is applied to wrinkles and left for 30 minutes. Be sure to wash off this mask.

If you don’t have aloe, you can make an analogue of store-bought products using vitamin E from capsules and glycerin. This mask can be made for future use and stored in the refrigerator. Pour the contents of three to five capsules into a bottle of glycerin - vitamins for facial skin from wrinkles, E, or A. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes every evening. Please note that we apply all masks to previously cleansed skin. After an intensive course of a week, use the mask every three days.

Famous whitening with parsley - squeeze the juice from parsley ground in a blender, mix with tocopherol from a couple of capsules, apply to the skin under the eyes for ten minutes. The skin will brighten and smooth out. Even using a mask a couple of times a week can get rid of problems under the eyes.

If you purchased a complex of vitamins A and E “Aevit” at the pharmacy, then use it! Add the contents of a couple of capsules to a tablespoon of fresh mashed potatoes, apply to the skin under your eyes and say goodbye to puffiness and puffiness. There will gradually be fewer wrinkles, and the skin will turn white and youthful.

There are a lot of masks that use vitamins against wrinkles on the face that take care of the skin. It is important to use them regularly. You will be able to evaluate the lasting results after a couple of months. Train yourself to take care of your skin every day, it won't take much time, but you will look much better.

Aevit is a medicine intended for oral administration. The chemical complex combines retinol and tocopherol. Small capsules are filled with vitaminized oil. Judging by numerous reviews on the Internet, Aevit can also be used externally for wrinkles around the eyes. It is applied alone or in combination with other ingredients.

Aevita contains two strong antioxidants - tocopherol or vitamin E and retinol or vitamin A. These ingredients are designed to counteract the effects of free radicals. They are responsible for the aging process in the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamins A and E help cells renew themselves faster. They increase skin tone and elasticity.

Properties and effectiveness of Aevit

Aevit contains a form of vitamin A called retinol palmitate. It has the following useful qualities:

  1. regulates cellular metabolism in tissues;
  2. prevents the development of bacteria and viruses;
  3. protects the skin from the aggressive effects of external factors;
  4. accelerates epithelial cell division;
  5. rejuvenates the skin;
  6. increases cellular immunity;
  7. helps cure mild forms of skin cancer;
  8. retains moisture in cells;
  9. stimulates blood circulation in small vessels;
  10. increases the protective properties of fabrics.

Vitamin E in the Aevit complex is presented in the fat-soluble form of alpha-tocopherol acetate. It has the following effect:

  1. strong antioxidant;
  2. normalizes metabolism in tissues;
  3. removes excess pigmentation;
  4. regulates microcirculation processes and improves cellular nutrition;
  5. moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis;
  6. promotes skin renewal;
  7. has whitening properties;
  8. rejuvenates the epidermis and accelerates cell regeneration.

Thanks to this, the use of Aevit allows you to achieve positive results:

  1. pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  2. deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and fine wrinkles almost completely disappear;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. skin looks more elastic, firm, youthful and less sensitive;
  5. acne disappears;
  6. sensitivity and irritability decreases;
  7. pores narrow;
  8. skin cells are restored faster.

All this allows Aevit to be used in the fight against the manifestations of aging facial skin.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of Aevit are the following problems:

1. Aging, fading skin. Aevit helps remove wrinkles and flaking on the face. The antioxidant properties of the drug slow down aging, and regeneration processes are launched in the skin.

2. Skin is too dry. The components of the product effectively moisturize.

3. Problem skin. If there are comedones, which are sebaceous plugs, then Aevit will cope with them perfectly. This helps prevent the proliferation of bacteria, and, consequently, inflammation and the occurrence of acne on the face. At the same time, cosmetologists advise using Aevit not only orally, but also topically and intramuscularly.

4. Severe skin diseases associated with decreased immunity and metabolic disorders, such as psoriasis. Aevit eliminates spots, rashes and other defects that occur due to a lack of vitamin A. Retinol promotes intensive cell renewal. Usually for this purpose the drug is taken orally.

5. Fungal diseases such as seborrhea, characterized by flaking of the scalp and significant hair loss. For such problems, a dermatologist can prescribe the remedy.

The main contraindications to taking Aevit vitamins are:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. cholecystitis;
  4. hypersensitivity or intolerance to the ingredients of the product - vitamins A and E;
  5. thyrotoxicosis;
  6. heart failure;
  7. acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  8. increased risk of thromboembolism;
  9. chronic circulatory failure;
  10. chronic glomerulonephritis;
  11. myocardial infarction.

If a woman is already taking another vitamin complex, then before using Aevita it is better to consult a doctor to avoid an overdose.

The drug can be used alone or mixed with other products to obtain useful anti-wrinkle masks with Aevit. To use the product externally:

  1. Squeeze the contents from the capsules.
  2. Apply to the face and spread over the skin along massage lines and under the eyes.

The lifting mask recipe involves mixing Aevit with potatoes:

  1. The potatoes are boiled and mashed into a puree.
  2. A teaspoon of the mass is mixed with 1 capsule of Aevita.

To achieve a face lifting effect, you can also use raw potatoes instead of boiled ones. Mix the components in similar proportions.

How to use Aevit to improve complexion? Cosmetologists recommend mixing it with herbs:

  1. Fresh parsley is chopped until juice appears.
  2. The gruel in the amount of 2 teaspoons is mixed with oil, which is squeezed out of a couple of Aevita capsules.

This green mask is best applied to the face in the morning. Thanks to the vitamin composition, facial wrinkles are smoothed out. It will help whiten the skin, eliminate bruises, dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. Other methods for getting rid of bruising and swelling are described in the article with the best ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

There is a recipe specifically designed to eliminate deep wrinkles on the face:

  1. Oatmeal is boiled in milk and cooled to room temperature.
  2. Take 2 teaspoons of porridge and mix them with oil from 2-3 Aevita capsules.

Oatmeal is good for removing wrinkles in the eye area – “crow’s feet”.

To moisturize your facial skin, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Squeeze out the oil from 2-3 capsules.
  2. Mix Aevit with a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream.
  3. Apply to the face, can also be used for wrinkles around the eyes.

The recipe will save you from severe dryness and flaking. The cream in the composition can be replaced with full-fat cottage cheese, milk or yogurt, preferably homemade.

You can remove wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes using this mask:

  1. A fresh, ripe banana is mashed to a paste.
  2. Mix 2 teaspoons of puree with the contents of 2 Aevita capsules.

Using this mask regularly in the morning under the eyes, you can get rid of expression lines, bags and bruises.

Reviews about the drug

Before using Aevit for the skin around the eyes and other areas, it is useful to read reviews of other people about it.

“In addition to wrinkles, the so-called “crow’s feet,” my problem has always been pimples in the cold season. Aevit helped cope with both. I applied the product, which I squeezed out from 1 capsule, once a day for 2 weeks. After 5 days, the inflammation disappeared. After 2 weeks, the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed, looks well-groomed, and the complexion is fresh. I decided to repeat the course after a while in order to achieve greater results in the fight against expression wrinkles.”

“I learned about Aevit a long time ago, but I was afraid to use it, since there were a lot of negative reviews on the Internet. People wrote that after using it, their skin condition worsened, and I already had problems. A week ago I decided to apply the product, but first mixed it with a ready-made moisturizing mask. The composition helped me get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and other ailments on the skin of the face.”

Ksenia, Moscow region.

“Judging by the reviews of cosmetologists and ordinary people on the Internet, the drug Aevit does not help against wrinkles for everyone, but for me it turned out to be a panacea. This is now my regular addition to my face cream. Within a month I saw how much younger my skin looked. Not very deep wrinkles smoothed out, pigment spots disappeared. I'm happy with this product."

“I read a review on the Internet about the combined use of Aevit vitamins and almond oil. I bought both ingredients at the pharmacy, mixed them and applied them to my face. I was not able to get rid of wrinkles with Aevit after the first time. Moreover, after a week of regular use, the condition of the skin around the eyes worsened. It became very dry and even began to peel. The drug did not suit me."

“I was attracted to Aevit by the low cost and good composition. Reviews from my friends who used the product were also positive. I have been applying Aevit against wrinkles under my eyes every day for a long time. The skin has noticeably smoothed out, and crow's feet have become less pronounced. I use the product in its pure form under the eyes, and also make masks for the entire face.”

Aevit is a universal drug that can be used for various skin problems. Low cost and effectiveness make it a popular and affordable remedy for wrinkles on the face.