Agnosia Apperceptive

Apperceptive agnosia is a violation of the ability to perceive and understand the world around us, which occurs when certain areas of the cerebral cortex are damaged. It is a type of agnosia, which is a group of perceptual disorders caused by brain damage.

Apperceptive agnosia manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot perceive and understand the reality around him. He may have difficulty recognizing colors, shapes, sizes, sounds, and other aspects of the world around him.

Causes of apperceptive agnosia can vary, including head trauma, tumors, infections, strokes, and other illnesses. Treatment for apperceptive agnosia usually includes medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

However, although agnosia can have different causes, its symptoms can be the same. For example, a person may not recognize familiar objects, not understand what is happening around him, and have difficulty communicating with other people.

Overall, agnosia is a serious disorder that can lead to social isolation and reduced quality of life. Therefore, if you or someone you love has symptoms of agnosia, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Apoperceptive agnosia is one of the forms of this mental defect, which is its variety. It characterizes the loss of visual perception. In this case, the affected area is in the central nervous system. Agnostic syndrome has no physiological basis, but directly depends on disruption in certain areas of the cortex. The spread of the attack is limited spatially around the lesion of the nerve tissue. The patient cannot determine the color of the thing, does not understand the name of the depicted object and is unable to recognize the content of the image.

This disease requires rapid comprehensive treatment, since the bilateral development of the central nervous system can significantly affect its development. It should also be taken into account that an organic defect leads to loss of contacts and communication. Therefore, assistance must be provided in a timely manner, otherwise it will be very difficult to cure and rehabilitate the patient. Many experts advise that the injured child be referred to a specialized