
Agyu (or fever) is the ancient name for malaria.

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which are transmitted by mosquitoes. Symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, sweating, headaches, nausea and other symptoms. The disease is common in tropical and subtropical regions.

The term "agyu" comes from the Latin febris acuta (acute fever). It was used to describe the periodic attacks of fever associated with malaria. This name was common in Europe until the 19th century, until the cause of the disease - parasites carried by mosquitoes - was discovered.

After the discovery of the causative agent of malaria, the term "agyu" gradually fell out of use in medicine, giving way to a more accurate name for the disease - "malaria". However, in colloquial speech the word "agyu" as a synonym for malaria is still preserved in some regions.

Agyu or malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum (a type of causative agent of the disease), in humans it is characterized by attacks of acute recurring fever. The disease itself is accompanied by numerous symptoms: chills and muscle tremors, headache, general weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, sweating, weakness, or vice versa, anxiety and irritability, dry mouth. As a result of infection, internal organs and the central nervous system are damaged. Attacks can occur once a year and recur for several years. To diagnose the disease, PCR and microscopy of blood products are used. Like all malaria, Agyu is dangerous for patients.

Causes of the disease. Malaria plasmodium (P. Vivax) in the countries of Central and South America parasitizes peripheral blood cells (malarial plasmodia), and in the countries of Southeast Asia the malaria pathogen (Plasmodium Falciparum) circulates at large stages of its development, which can infect even intact blood cells systems. The main causes of malaria infection depend on the type of pathogen. Plasmodium Vivax species. The pathogen belongs to the malaria family; the tropical form is most often brought to Russia, which is very