
Ahilia is the absence of secretion of gastric juice. This term is usually applied to a stomach that does not produce gastric juice due to achylia gastrica. Gastric achylia occurs due to atrophy of the gastric mucosa. With achylia, the stomach cannot digest food properly due to the lack of digestive enzymes in the gastric juice. This leads to disruption of the digestion process and absorption of nutrients. Treatment of achylia includes taking enzyme preparations, adjusting the diet and treating the underlying disease that caused atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

Achylia is a medical term used to indicate the absence of secretion from a particular organ or gland. This term is usually applied to a stomach that does not produce enough gastric juice, which can lead to various health problems.

Gastric achylia (achylia gastrica) is one of the forms of achylia, which is associated with atrophy of the gastric mucosa. This condition can occur due to various reasons, including poor blood supply to the stomach, infections, autoimmune diseases and other factors.

In gastric achylia, food cannot be completely digested because gastric juice does not contain enough stomach acid and enzymes needed to break down food.

Gastric achylia can lead to a number of health problems, including digestive problems, diarrhea, bloating, anemia and other symptoms. Treatment for this condition depends on the cause and may include medication, diet changes, and other methods.

In conclusion, achylia is a serious condition that can lead to various health problems. Gastric achylia is one form of this condition, which is associated with insufficient secretion of gastric juice. If you suspect the development of this disease, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Gastric achylia - lack of gastric juice secretion is characteristic of gastric achylia.

**Gastric achylia** is the absence of hydrochloric acid secretion by or from the stomach, or its insufficient amount to digest food. This condition is considered a physiological condition of the body, but can also be caused by a malfunction of the stomach or other reasons.

The appearance of a symptom of ahlirgia indicates the presence of a disorder in the body, which, if ignored, becomes the cause of the development of serious diseases. The lack of production and release of the required volume of hydrochloric acid damages the gastric mucosa and interferes with its ability to fully digest incoming food.

The reasons for the occurrence of various types of achimni: - slowing down the mechanism of formation of gastric secretions, - a shift towards reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid secreted, - disruption of the functionality of secretory cells.

Most often, the cause of the pathology is a decrease in local immunity, due to which the body produces a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and controls its release. Various reasons for the reduction of immune cells can cause achymia in the stomach. Common factors causing the disease include: stress and strain, smoking, chronic internal inflammation. Infectious diseases of various human organs can contribute to the appearance of ahlimniga in the gastrointestinal tract.

More serious causes of anomalies include oncological tumors, gastritis, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage, hemorrhagic syndrome and other diseases. In this case, it would be incorrect to talk about diagnosing the presence of ashillia, since these