Air exchange rate

AIR CHANGE RATE is a sanitary indicator. The air exchange rate determines how often it is necessary to change the air inside residential buildings. It is also necessary in industrial enterprises. If the air exchange rate is not normal, this can lead to respiratory diseases and other health problems, as well as the possibility of a fire. The multiplicity is established by sanitary standards and rules for ventilation systems. In everyday life, if you need to install a ventilation system, you should clarify this parameter when choosing equipment.

The air exchange rate is a sanitary indicator that reflects the state of the air environment in a particular room. The multiplicity shows how much air volume per hour will be replaced by fresh air compared to the internal volume of the room. Multiplicity indicators are used to assess the state of indoor air. If we talk about the air exchange rate in industrial premises, then the norm is about 6 times per hour (that is, the room and its air are completely replaced in one shift). In residential premises, the norm is much lower - 3. The exchange rate of at least six volumes per hour is good enough for a residential premises.