Acne photos on women's faces

What it is?

Acne is a skin pathology expressed in the appearance of a specific rash on the face or other parts of the body.

Acne appears externally rashes, they come in several types:

  1. acne blackheads, visible when examining the pores;
  2. acne-like whiteheads, small bumps above the surface of the skin;
  3. papules, small inflamed areas of skin, without accumulation of exudate inside;
  4. pustules, hollow formations with liquid contents inside them (clear or purulent effusion);
  5. nodes, dense subcutaneous lumps;
  6. cysts, areas with clear boundaries, inside which a large amount of pus accumulates.

Photos of types of acne rashes

Since the disease is characterized by a wide variety of skin rashes (often a combination of them), methods of its treatment are selected individually by a dermatologist. How to treat acne correctly depends on the type, prevalence and course of the disease.

For some forms of the disease, it will be enough to properly organize daily skin care activities and select suitable products for facial and body hygiene; for others, intensive antibacterial treatment, selection of medications to resolve scar changes and improve the nutrition of the epidermis may be necessary.

ICD-10 code

Medical science has systematized the types of acne. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) combines it into a separate group of skin diseases with the code - L70.0–9.

Scientists explain what it is in people and reveal clinical features every type of disease:

1. Acne ordinary. Most often it affects teenagers and young men, localizing on the face in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, cheeks and chin.
2. Globular acne. The disease manifests itself in young men in the form of formations on the skin that resemble cherries. Inside, these cysts are filled with pus; when they are torn, the walls of the cysts fall off and stick together, and as the wounds heal, scars form.
3. Smallpox acne. It is characterized by the formation of numerous, centrally necrotic, bright pink (red or purple) nodules. Most often, the disease is found in people over 40-45 years of age.
4. Tropical acne. It affects travelers (lovers of hot countries), manifests itself as widespread and isolated acne throughout the body (back, abdomen, chest), the rash can go away without treatment or fester.
5. Baby acne. Formed, as a rule, due to metabolic disorders in children, it is characterized by the formation of small papules or pustules, very similar to an allergic rash.


The pathogenesis (emergence and development) of the disease occurs in several stages:

  1. increased production of sebum by the glands due to the active work of the adrenal glands, releasing a large amount of androgens (male sex hormones) into the blood;
  2. accumulation of desquamated (dead) cells in the skin lumens (epithelial keratosis) and clogging of pores;
  3. inflammation of the affected areas and the formation of acne vulgaris;
  4. suppuration of the rash;
  5. rupture of abscesses and scar formation.

Sometimes incompetence and impatience lead to the fact that patients themselves introduce an infection to the skin and the disease goes from a mild form to a complicated one.

Factors that provoke the development of this pathology include:

  1. changes in hormonal levels in the body (during puberty, menopause, infancy, pregnancy, endocrine pathologies, metabolic diseases);
  2. excess corticosteroids in people with long-term treatment with hormones or systematic use of drugs that stimulate muscle growth (steroids);
  3. disorders of the digestive system (diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas);
  4. severe emotional distress or chronic stress;
  5. thermoregulation disorders;
  6. skin pathologies of bacterial or fungal origin;
  7. hereditary predisposition;
  8. poor hygienic skin care.

Newborn acne

The appearance of acne in children always worries parents.

Newborn acne: photos

Often mothers blame themselves for eating disorders and eating sweet or fatty foods. Therefore, in the heat of the moment, mistakes can be made in caring for a child; their skin begins to be lubricated with baby creams and powders are often used. But acne is caused by clogged pores, so all these procedures only increase the formation of the rash. If acne in a child does not fester, it is not a pathology.

Video (about acne in infants – see from 12:20):

What should parents do if they see acne in their child:

  1. consult a doctor;
  2. keep the child clean.

This is quite enough to give the newborn time to adapt to new living conditions; acne in these cases goes away on its own, without taking medications.


Treatment of the disease is carried out according to a general scheme, mostly using local remedies. Sometimes specialized means are used to normalize hormonal levels; in case of suppuration, a course of antibiotics is prescribed; in the presence of residual pigmentation and scars, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures and biostimulants is necessary.

General strengthening and hygienic treatment methods are actively used in acne therapy.:

1. Shower daily using neutral detergents. Cleanses the skin of excess sebum and dead cells.
2. Gymnastics classes. Normalizes peripheral blood circulation and delivery of nutrients to epidermal cells.
3. Facial massage. Allows you to improve lymphatic drainage and reduce the manifestations of inflammatory reactions. It is not performed during purulent processes (due to the risk of infection spreading into the deeper layers of the skin).
4. Walks, hiking trips at the place of residence. These activities enrich the body with oxygen and strengthen the human immune system.

It is important to remember that during treatment for acne it is undesirable:

  1. abuse cosmetics, do home and salon skin peeling;
  2. take a long steam bath, sunbathe;
  3. use fatty creams for face and body care.


1. Benzoyl derivatives (Oxygel, Baziron-gel, Proderm-cream, etc.). Bactericidal agents that inhibit the growth of microorganisms in hair follicles.
2. Salicylates (Clerasil, Delax acne gel). Lotions, gels, and ointments based on them can dissolve plugs in pores (blackheads) and disinfect the skin.
3. Retinoid products (containing vitamin A). Airol, Zorak, Klenzit and other drugs are excellent prevention of the formation of blackheads and a medicine that helps to destroy them.
4. Azelaines (Azogel, Skinoren, Acne-derma). Products based on them help to quickly cleanse the skin of keratinized scales and destroy pathogenic flora on the skin.
5. Sulfur ointment. Used to reduce redness and swelling of acne.
6. Antibacterial agents (Klindovit, Zinerit, Dalatsin), drugs that destroy pathogens of skin infections. Creams and gels containing them are widely used. Antibiotic ointments for acne are rarely used due to their heavy texture, and oral tablets are prescribed for generalized (extensive) purulent process or cyst formation.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is an effective additional method to drug therapy for acne; patient reviews of it are mostly positive. In addition to affecting papules and pustules, pimples and blackheads, this method allows you to get rid of the consequences of suppuration and scarring.

Anti-acne (laser acne removal): photo

Procedure Anti-acne used by dermatologists for more than 30 years, it is based on laser penetration into the deep layers of the skin, while creams and ointments act superficially. The radiation, which patients experience as a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth, kills bacteria, cleanses pores, and stimulates the regeneration processes of epidermal cells. Laser sessions of 15-20 minutes are carried out 2 to 6 times, with an interval between them of 3-4 weeks. The treatment is practically painless (a slight burning sensation is felt upon contact with the laser beam), and in the areas of exposure, after the procedure there remains slight redness and swelling, which disappear within a few days.


Without changing your usual diet, pimples and blackheads on the face are difficult to cure at home.

All therapeutic efforts and the use of advanced methods may not be effective if you do not limit a number of foods in your diet that stimulate the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Therefore, with acne it is important:

  1. give up sweet, spicy, hot, salty, smoked, fatty, fried foods or consume such foods in minimal quantities;
  2. do not abuse alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  3. It is good to include in your diet seafood rich in omega-3 acids, vegetables, herbs and fruits containing vitamins A, E, B;
  4. it is necessary to maintain an increased water regime, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (to enhance the removal of unnecessary substances).
  1. red fish;
  2. squid;
  3. seaweed;
  4. lean beef;
  5. oranges, carrots, mangoes, spinach, celery, tomatoes.
  1. sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers, french fries;
  2. beer, liqueurs, champagne;
  3. chocolate, cocoa, coffee, baked goods.

Every person experiences acne on their skin to one degree or another. Acne, papules and pustules appear in varying numbers. The rash often appears in adolescents during puberty.

This is due to an increase in testosterone production in the body. Girls also produce this hormone, but to a much lesser extent than boys. It is testosterone that can affect the intensity of secretions from the sebaceous glands under the skin.

Causes and mechanism of development

Main reasons for development:

  1. increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  2. inflammation of the follicles;
  3. activation of propionobacteria in tissues;
  4. lack of personal hygiene;
  5. abuse of cosmetics;
  6. introduction of dirt from unwashed hands;
  7. follicular hyperkeratosis.

Light degree

With a mild degree, there is always a little acne and comedones. Nodules and pustules do not form. To get rid of such problems, it is enough to use the simplest personal hygiene products.

Average degree

At the middle stage, the number of pimples becomes more than 10, small ulcers form. The tissues in the affected areas become bluish-pink. Moderate acne is a reason to visit a dermatologist.

Severe degree

This diagnosis will be made if there are more than 20 papules or pustules and several painful nodes on the face. In this case, inflammation occurs over large areas of tissue. Medicines are used to eliminate the disease.

Fourth stage

At this stage, there are over 50 comedones and more than 30 pustules and papules. The skin swells and becomes red.

Individual irritated areas can connect and form ulcers deep under the skin. At this stage, patients are consulted by dermatologists and psychologists due to frequent depression that cannot be treated with antidepressants.

For more information, you can see the data in the table.

Development of the disease in men, women and children

The causes and nature of the disorder may differ depending on gender and age.

How does the disorder occur in newborns?

In newborns, such inflammation can manifest itself as acne on the face, head, neck, back, and ears. Such disorders are called neonatal bloom and have similar symptoms to hypersensitivity reactions. This condition is often confused with an allergic reaction to external irritants.

Facial formations in women

The rash often forms on the face of women and is considered a good reason for a visit to the gynecologist. For about 20% of women, acne appears a couple of days before their period and may disappear on its own when the next menstrual cycle is in its early stages.

Inflammation can occur after stopping hormonal medications at the beginning of pregnancy during menopause.

The following disorders can provoke papular, pustular, cystic and nodular formations:

  1. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  2. anovulatory menstrual cycle;
  3. hirsutism.

During examination, doctors often rule out tumors in the ovaries or adrenal glands.

Cosmetics can have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.

Problems may arise due to:

  1. hairspray;
  2. moisturizing conditioners;
  3. creams containing isopropyl.

Comedogenic substances are among the main irritants. Shampoos are often the cause of breakouts.

Facial formations in men

Ball-shaped, seborrheic or piled-up formations often appear on the face of men diagnosed with dense seborrhea.

Such irritations always heal poorly, form at a young age and remain until about 40 years of age, leaving behind keloid scars.

Similar problems with the sebaceous glands often occur in bodybuilders as a result of regular use of anabolic steroids and androgens.

Preparations containing such substances cause increased sebum production. Similar effects often occur after prolonged use of glucocorticoids.

Often, athletes take anabolic steroids simultaneously with vitamin cocktails, which promote the active formation of cysts and nodules.

Types of acne (photo)

The disease can occur on the skin of the face, back or other areas in the form of acne, pimples, nodules or cysts.

There are 2 types of acne:

  1. Open ones form as small black dots in the pores.
  2. Closed in the form of white bumps on the face.

There are 2 types of acne:

  1. Papules. Reddish inflammation on the face, which does not contain pus. Such inflammation may appear and disappear after some time or quickly transform into a pustule.
  2. The pustule is already a focus of inflammation containing a small amount of pus. When skin acne appears, you can observe two types of pimples.

Nodules form in subsequent stages in the form of painful subcutaneous compactions. At their core, nodules are greatly enlarged papules.

What is seborrhea?

Seborrhea means the release of an unnaturally large amount of subcutaneous sebum and a change in its chemical composition.

There are 4 types of seborrheic background:

  1. thick;
  2. liquid;
  3. dry;
  4. mixed.

When testosterone levels increase, the body begins to produce a lot of sebum, the amount of which determines the degree of complexity of the disease.

What are the treatment options?

For local treatment the following are used:

  1. benzoyl peroxide;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. retinoids;
  4. azelaic acid;
  5. preparations with sulfur.

Such drugs are recommended for use at home.


The following medications are used to overcome the disease:

  1. antibiotics. Drugs containing erythromycin and clindamycin;
  2. cortisol injections. Steroid medications reduce inflammation and avoid the need for surgery;
  3. Isotretinoin. Capsules have a systemic effect on the body. It is recommended for use only in the development of the acid form of the disease.

Antibiotic ointment for acne on the face. More details here.

Treatment at home

For treatment at home, dermatologists advise:

  1. use products that do not cause skin irritation;
  2. It is recommended to use medications containing benzoyl peroxide or antibiotics 2 times a day. You can use topical retinoids only once a day;
  3. Creams are more suitable for moisturizing, while areas with a high fat content tolerate gels better. Lotions are considered universal remedies in this regard;
  4. When it comes to cosmetics, it is better to use only light, water-based moisturizers.

For use at home, there are the following folk recipes:

  1. bran mask with the addition of baking soda. Rye bran is ground using a coffee grinder or meat grinder with the addition of 1 teaspoon. soda, diluted with water. The resulting composition is applied to the problem area of ​​the body for 7-10 minutes.
  2. honey compress 1 tbsp. lie honey and 2 tsp. Calendula tincture is mixed in warm water. Cotton pads are soaked in the resulting liquid and placed on the inflamed areas;
  3. pine lotion. 2 plantain leaves. 2 tbsp. lie pine needles, dried calendula and chamomile 1 tbsp. lie you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. You need to infuse the product for 7-10 days and use it for rinsing;
  4. ice cubes from herbal tincture. To narrow the pores, you can use cubes of frozen tincture. 2 tbsp. lie dried chamomile and St. John's wort are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and then boiled for 7-10 minutes. The resulting liquid should be left for about 4-5 hours, poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

Video: Details

Scar Reduction Treatments

After eliminating inflammation, you need to start removing scars from the face. Several proven techniques are used for this.

Chemical peels

The treatment is carried out with products containing acids that differ in the degree of concentration and depth of penetration into the tissue.

Chemical peels are:

  1. Superficial.
  2. Professional, penetrating deeper into the tissue.

Abrasive grinding

Abrasive grinding is performed in two ways:

  1. Microdermabrasion. In this case, the treatment is performed with a stream of air containing abrasive crystals. At the same time, the upper dead layers of tissue are erased.
  2. Dermabrasion allows you to eliminate large scars using abrasive discs or special brushes. At the same time, the depth of tissue processing is much greater than in the previous method.

Laser rash removal, before and after photos

After eliminating the main cause of the formation, you can begin to use technical devices to remove formations using a laser.

This method is considered one of the most expensive. The patient will have to pay a lot of money to get rid of his disease.

To remove scars in modern medicine, 2 types of laser are used:

In numerous photos before and after laser therapy you can see the condition of the patients.

Phototherapy example before and after

Phototherapy receives numerous positive reviews, before and after the use of which the condition of patients differs significantly.

The results of such procedures are always the most positive. The healing effect can be observed already 2-3 weeks after the start of the phototherapy course. The skin becomes healthier and smoother.

Prognosis and prevention

Regular skin care is considered the most effective preventative method. It is undesirable to use fatty creams, ointments and oils that contain lanolin and petroleum jelly.

It is advisable to exclude sweet, starchy, fried, and spicy foods from your diet. To prevent the rash from returning, it is enough to treat the skin with local products once every 2 days. The use of antibiotics for prophylaxis is undesirable.

Acne, pimples, rashes and skin lesions of various types are a problem not only for teenagers, but also for many adults. All skin problems can be combined into one large group - acne.
The lesions appear as black spots and pustules. In addition, it looks unsightly, can also cause serious problems and indicates diseases inside the body.

Rashes occur on the back, chest, but more often on the face. The main cause is increased oily skin. However, poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental factors, genetics, and hormonal disorders influence to no less extent.

Whatever the reason for the development and whatever type of rash occurs, treatment of acne on the face should be comprehensive and immediate. Moreover, there are many methods of home, medicinal and cosmetic treatment. But, before treating the problem, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence.

Reasons for appearance

Acne is called by many “the second disease of dirty hands.” However, many factors can be the cause, and dirty hands will only aggravate an existing problem.
Hormonal disruptions are possible, due to a number of circumstances, and non-hormonal ones, depending on the functioning of the body.

Non-hormonal causes of acne

  1. Genetic predisposition (more often in men). The work of the sebaceous glands is inherent in nature; you only need to properly monitor a certain skin type.
  2. Improper hygiene. For oily skin types, it is highly recommended not to wash your face more than twice a day, so as not to dry out the skin and cause the sebaceous glands to work faster, which will lead to acne. In addition, it is advisable to use special products for oily types. It would be a good idea to use antibacterial tonics and washes.
  3. UV rays. Many people mistakenly believe that the sun or solarium can literally “dry out” acne. However, tanning only masks the problem. Excess sunlight, on the contrary, provokes increased activity of cells that “try to get rid” of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Malfunctions of the endocrine system, which are most often caused by stress and depression. Less nerves means less acne. We can say that acne is directly related to the emotional background.
  5. Incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The main reason is an incorrect, unbalanced diet. As a result - acute, then chronic gastritis, stones, dysbacteriosis and acne.

Hormonal reasons

For the first time, you can “meet” hormonal imbalance during age. Over time, the hormones calm down and the rash goes away.

However, in almost 50% of people, acne continues into adulthood and this is associated with disruption of the endocrine system and increased production of hormones. Moreover, it has been proven that skin rashes are a “map” by which you can find the problem inside.

  1. Acne on the back indicates an overabundance of steroids;
  2. in the T-zone – about gastrointestinal tract malfunctions;
  3. on the chin - about gynecological and ENT diseases;
  4. on the forehead - about problems with the intestines.

Rashes are also divided into types, from harmless to quite severe forms.

Types of acne

At the moment, a great variety of types and types of acne have been identified, which are classified by origin, course of the disease, color, presence or absence of infection. The most common:

  1. Black dots. This is stagnation at the top of the pore. At first the plug is transparent and watery, then, when the lard hardens, the point becomes white or yellow, becomes cloudy and thickens. Under the influence of oxygen, the liquid oxidizes, resulting in a characteristic black color.
  2. White dots. Sebum collects at the bottom of the pore, forming dense clumps. As they expand, they become visible on the surface in the form of white subcutaneous pimples or bumps that can be felt with the fingers. They have no way out.
  3. Papules. Formed as a result of infection in subcutaneous pimples. A nodule up to 3 cm is formed, accompanied by redness, suppuration, and swelling. An edematous ball from light pink to bluish in color without an inflammatory head.
  4. Pustules. There are different regular and irregular shapes with purulent contents inside. They form either independently or when an infection enters a pimple. Usually up to 1cm. Red, inflamed around the circumference with white, clear, yellow or greenish pus visible. Turbidity and all shades except white indicate re-infection.
  5. Dermatoses. Occurs when hair follicles become inflamed, but usually without acne. This type is characterized by inflammatory spots and redness (rosacea and various dermatitis), different from acne.
  6. Comedones. They are formed as a result of blockage of hair follicles with sebum. Without inflammation there is no threat.
  7. Papulopustular acne. Occurs when comedones become inflamed. In their place, pustules and nodes form.
  8. Nodular cystic acne. This is a cystic accumulation of abscesses under the skin with access to the outside. Usually it is difficult and long-lasting. Subject to mandatory treatment.

There are other, not so common types, which only a dermatologist can identify: fulminant, steroidal (bodybuilding acne), late, inverse, globular (pile up), adult acne, newborn acne, cosmetic, professional, solar acne and others.
Diagnosis and treatment also depend on the severity and stage of development.

Stages of development

Acne occurs in everyone, even in completely healthy people. This is due to various factors. The initial stages, as a rule, do not require serious treatment.

  1. The occurrence of small minor rashes associated with temporary hormonal imbalance (menstruation) or mechanical damage. Usually this is from 1 to 10 whiteheads. For this stage, the correct cosmetic procedures are sufficient.
  2. The rashes are increasing. The number of rashes reaches 30 pcs. The affected areas are painful and red, with pustules. Specialist consultation and drug treatment are required.
  3. Multiple pustules, papules, and nodes are formed. The lesion occupies a fairly large area. Inflamed areas are painful and often indicate serious problems with the functioning of internal organs. Requires the intervention of a specialist and the prescription of antibiotics.
  4. The stage at which cystic multiple and extensive acne areas are formed. Both subcutaneous and subcutaneous ulcers appear. In addition to very painful sensations, the patient may develop stress due to a psychological factor. Since at the 4th, very severe stage, the face, to put it mildly, looks unsightly.

Attention! Stress and depression, which often accompany the presence of multiple pimples and nodules, aggravate the situation. Therefore, at stages 3 and 4, in addition to external and internal treatment, consultation with a psychologist is highly desirable.

However, in order to prevent the final stages, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time.

To diagnose the disease, it is enough to contact an endocrinologist and take blood tests: general blood tests, hormone tests (on the 5-7th day of menstruation for women), progesterone levels. You can additionally undergo an ultrasound scan of the adrenal glands, testicles, and prostate gland.

Only when the diagnosis has been made and the type, stage and severity of the disease has been identified, treatment can begin.

Treatment options

Sometimes treatment with properly selected cosmetics is sufficient, in other cases additional drugs are used. Sometimes complex treatment, which includes both cosmetics and medications. It is not uncommon to find cases of relief only through treatment at home using homemade remedies.