Causes of acne on the back in women

It is difficult to identify acne on the back at an early stage due to its invisibility, unlike other parts of the body, but it is better to eliminate the problem immediately, since starting the process will inevitably lead to damage to large areas. Treatment can be lengthy and the consequences can be disastrous. What is the cause of acne on the back in women?

Types of acne

Acne, depending on the cause, appears in the form of:

  1. Papules are small red, round and inflamed areas.
  2. Pustules are larger red formations with a purulent and painful nodule in the middle.
  3. Acne - in the case of a bacterial infection, which inevitably leads to suppuration in the depths of the skin. The tubercles become painful over time and cause particular discomfort. Bluish or white pimples with an abscess inside require treatment and elimination of foci of inflammation.

Often it is the blockage of skin pores with sebum that causes a rash on the back, and the addition of pathogenic flora leads to inflammation and suppuration. Treatment required.

External reasons

So, the main cause of back acne in women is clogged pores due to increased functions of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the influence of external provoking factors is possible:

  1. Lack of personal hygiene, when there is irritation and even the appearance of unpleasant non-healing wounds on the body.
  2. Wearing synthetics that fit tightly to the body, which can lead to an allergic reaction due to the lack of air flow, the skin pores stop breathing.
  3. Another reason for acne on the back in women is the excessive use of shower gels and foams, which, instead of cleansing the skin, lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and the proliferation of bacteria on the back.
  4. Frequent use of fatty creams and gels.
  5. Abuse of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, when the functioning of the thyroid gland and intestines is disrupted, dysbiosis develops, and hormones begin to be produced in large quantities.
  6. Abuse of salty foods, which over time leads to slagging, contamination of the body and filling with toxins.

So, blockage of the sebaceous glands is the cause of acne on the back in women, fatty spots, pustules or blackheads. The pores become clogged with bacteria and inflammation develops. The body can no longer fully remove waste and toxins on its own.

Internal reasons

Internal causes are diseases that can lead to disruption of the functionality of internal organs and trigger blockage of the sebaceous glands. The cause of acne on the back can be:

  1. pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body;
  2. puberty when the body experiences significant changes;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. diseases of the genitourinary system;
  5. vitamin deficiency in case of vitamin B deficiency;
  6. a malfunction of the endocrine system leads to increased activity in the production of sebaceous glands, resulting in acne appearing on the back and shoulders of women.

Puberty in girls

During adolescence, in girls 12-18 years old, acne on the back and shoulders is a common occurrence. There is an increase in the production of hormones and clogging of the skin with fat. Treatment with cleansing lotions, gels, and scrubs is required. But low-quality hygiene products, on the contrary, can only increase irritation on the skin and increase the area occupied by acne.

Often the culprit is an allergy, which can lead to damage to large areas on the body and pimples with a red-bluish tint. The problem needs to be eliminated and consult a dermatologist.

You cannot ignore festering areas when harmless pimples have led to the development of an inflammatory process caused by pathogenic flora.

It happens that the cause of localization of acne on the back is androgen (male hormone), leading to increased oiliness of the skin and blockage of pores. Girls and women suffer from this scourge during pregnancy, lactation and PMS, when the sebaceous glands become overactive.

Recommendations for women

How to treat acne on the back in women? Regardless of the cause of the rash, whether it is related to internal or external triggers, it is extremely important for women to keep their skin clean and follow simple rules of personal hygiene.

Acne, for example, in women appears when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, or if there are problems in the sexual sphere, or obesity. In these cases, it is no longer possible to do without going to a specialist and conducting an examination. If the reasons are external, then you need to quickly eliminate the provoking factors and not neglect simple hygiene rules.

What can't you do?

The main thing to remember is that you should not squeeze pimples to avoid worsening the situation!

So, if a woman has acne on her back, how to get rid of it quickly?

  1. wear synthetic tight clothing, particularly dirty and tough ones;
  2. Frequently visit the solarium and expose your back to open sunlight;
  3. take a shower less than 2 times a week, and first you need to wash your hair, then the whole body and thoroughly rinse off particles of shampoo and soap;
  4. use rough pumice stones, synthetic washcloths and brushes on your back so as not to damage the skin and cause irritation and inflammation;
  5. use low-quality oily cosmetics and oils that can only clog skin pores.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you won’t have to wonder why acne appears so often on the back of women.

After shower

If you already have rashes on your back, then after taking a shower it is recommended:

  1. thoroughly dry your back, gently dabbing with a soft towel so that the infection does not spread throughout the body;
  2. use exclusively personal hygiene products and things.

Simple recommendations will help improve your skin condition. If nothing helps, then the problem may be internal, which means you need to consult a dermatologist. If inflammation is present, antibiotics are no longer necessary.

To keep the skin clean, it is important for women to pay attention to their diet and exclude unhealthy and fatty foods. Diversify the menu with cereals, herbs, vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and drink plenty of sparkling water.

How to get rid of acne?

If treatment is not started on time, acne will soon cover the entire back and spread to the shoulders. The situation can greatly worsen, and the lesions can increase in size. If a rash appears, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist to find out the true cause of the development of the inflammatory process. It is necessary to eliminate provoking factors and select the optimal treatment regimen, because a protracted pathological process will inevitably ultimately lead to serious complications.

Remedies for back acne in women

Pimples or acne on the back are treated with external means: creams, ointments, healing solutions, antiseptics. Among all the drugs, special mention should be made:

  1. chlorhexidine;
  2. boric acid solution;
  3. potassium permanganate;
  4. anti-acne, zinc-salicylic, sulfur ointments;
  5. "Differin";
  6. "Zinerit";
  7. brewer's yeast (in tablets);
  8. folic, salicylic acid;
  9. boric alcohol for constant rubbing of the skin to get rid of rashes.

Sea salt is an excellent remedy for acne. It can be added to baths, or simply wiped over the back with the composition to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect. If a purulent infection occurs, the doctor will additionally prescribe antibacterial agents. Salt baths will no longer be effective.

Folk remedies

When treating a rash on the back, not many women know that the disease can be eliminated with ordinary potassium permanganate by adding a weak solution to the bath. You need to fill the container with hot water, dilute the solution, which is not very dark in color, and carry out the procedures for 20 minutes, 2 times a day. Next, wipe your back dry, lightly dabbing with a towel.

Healing herbs help: chamomile, sage (give an antiseptic and eavesdropping effect). It is good to prepare and apply to the back in the form of compresses or simply wipe the affected areas, moistening with the applied composition. Alcohol infusion of calendula will help remove accumulations of subcutaneous sebum. White pimples on the back of women disappear quickly after such therapy.

Compresses are good because they first steam the skin, then remove comedones out. However, if purulent pimples appear in large quantities, it is not recommended to use them, as this may be caused by infection. An increase in temperature will only favor the proliferation of bacteria and the spread of infection throughout the body.

If traditional methods do not lead to proper results after several days, then it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, because acne is often caused by more complex internal factors.

Ultraviolet light quickly kills germs accumulated under the skin, thereby eliminating acne. However, do not overdo it to avoid heatstroke.

The bath is an excellent folk remedy for the appearance of acne and the development of skin diseases. When visiting a steam room, the pores of the skin open up, and water procedures will quickly help flush out clogged pores, thereby freeing the sebaceous glands from comedones.

Preventive measures

Every woman needs to love herself and pay attention to her skin. It is better to fight acne at the initial stage to prevent it from spreading over the entire back and shoulders. You should:

  1. stop wearing synthetics;
  2. pay attention to bedding so that the skin can breathe at least at night;
  3. take a contrast shower at least 2 times a day;
  4. cleanse the skin with scrubs at least once a week to avoid blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts;
  5. control your diet and give up unhealthy fatty, spicy, fried foods, which only increase the secretion of sebum;
  6. eliminate bad habits (alcohol, smoking) that lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin and excessive susceptibility to microbes and bacteria.

If you know how to deal with rashes on the back, it will not be difficult for women to choose the optimal treatment option, and when summer comes, they will be in good shape and not be ashamed to appear in public in revealing outfits.


The best prevention is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying in the fresh air, and regulating your diet. If such a problem as acne on the back could not be avoided, then therapy cannot be avoided. The sooner you contact a dermatologist, the faster the problem will be solved.

We looked at why painful acne appears on a woman’s back. The reasons are varied, but one thing is clear - timely treatment will relieve the problem for a long time.

Sometimes we don’t even notice how one day the hated pimples appear on our backs. Acne on the back bothers women, men, and teenagers. This phenomenon is common. What are acne, what are the reasons for their appearance on the back, how to deal with them, and what treatment methods are effective, we will consider below.

Acne and its varieties

Acne is a skin rash resulting from inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The further development of the skin disease depends on the skin characteristics of the person and the causes of its occurrence. There is no single classification table for dividing eels according to certain parameters due to the many influencing factors. Despite this, significant differences can be roughly identified in order to choose the optimal treatment option:

1. Inflammatory acne (red bumps) are formed as a result of suppuration and inflammation in skin cells. Over time, the skin in the area of ​​inflammation becomes thinner and pus becomes visible through it. Pain occurs at the slightest contact with the source of inflammation. Acne caused by inflammatory processes is divided into several types: papules and pustules.

A papule is a dense, protruding formation of red color, reaching a size of up to 3 cm. According to the Western classification, skin formations with a diameter of more than 1 cm are called nodes. The areas of skin adjacent to the papule begin to fester and swell. The color scheme of the papule varies depending on its type: from pink to blue. When you press on the papule, its color changes to pale. No pus is visible in the papule.

A pustule is an abscess formed as a result of an inflammatory process in the skin. Pustules can arise on their own or from papules if pathogenic microflora develops in it. The size can reach up to 10 mm. The pus contained in the pustule is covered with a loose skin membrane, which often bursts.

2. Acne that forms without inflammation. They are small formations in the form of small bumps that do not differ from the color of the skin. As a result of incorrect treatment, they can easily become infected and they will immediately go into the first group. They occur when the ducts of the sebaceous glands or the very mouth of the hair follicles are blocked. Traffic jams are formed from sebum mixed with dead skin cells. Acne in this group is divided into two types: open and closed.

Open acne is distinguished by the fact that it forms in the form of black dots during the process of blockage of the upper layer of the epidermis. Initially, the fat plug is white, but over time, oxidation occurs and it acquires darker tones.

Closed blackheads are white bumps that form as a result of blockages in the lower layers of the epidermis. The size can reach up to 3 millimeters.

Attempts to squeeze out pus on your own lead to disastrous consequences. Closed acne is very invisible to the eye. Most often they form on the forehead, chin and cheeks. They tend to unite with neighboring pimples and fill a single space where pus accumulates.

Please note, there is a myth that acne is a cosmetic defect. In fact, they are a medical condition and can affect your self-esteem and mood. You can fall into a depressed state.

Causes of acne on the back of men

The main reasons that lead to acne on the back in men are divided into the following points:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, which leads to the production of excess sebum. This serves as a good tool for the development of infections.
  2. Poor personal hygiene or improper grooming techniques.
  3. The use of anabolic drugs for the growth and renewal of muscle tissue.
  4. Sweating during physical and other activities can lead to clogged pores with further developments.
  5. Poor diet or even diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Cortisol, produced in the body during stressful situations, can also affect the development of acne.
  7. Choosing clothing made of synthetics or other material that does not allow the skin to “breathe.”
  8. When the body is intoxicated, the skin performs an excretory function, ridding the body of toxic substances and toxins.
  9. Various diseases (measles, leprosy, syphilis), etc.

Causes of acne on the back of women

In addition to external reasons, such as wearing synthetic clothes, poor diet, poor hygiene, choosing the wrong cosmetics, internal reasons that influence the development of acne on the back in women should also be taken into account:

  1. Endocrine system disruption. Hormone imbalance.
  2. During pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body also occur.
  3. Puberty, which of course affects hormones.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.
  5. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins in the body leads to skin infections, in particular vitamin B5.

Causes of back acne in teenagers

Heredity is one of the main causes of acne. In girls with the onset of the menstrual cycle and in boys during puberty, hormonal activity is observed. Which is one of the reasons for the appearance of acne on the back. Acne in teenagers can also occur due to gastrointestinal diseases, stressful situations, sweating and taking anabolic steroids.

It is a misconception that acne in teenagers occurs due to hormonal activity. Scientists were able to find out that rashes on the back appear due to the influence of many hormones, especially testosterone. Acne in post-pubertal girls is rare. Otherwise, we can talk about another serious disease (for example, Cushing's syndrome).

Methods for treating acne on the back

Drug treatment

You should only take medications as prescribed by a doctor. An endocrinologist and gastroenterologist will prescribe the necessary tests for you. After a successful diagnosis, you will be sent to a dermatologist.

The doctor will determine the cause of acne on the back and prescribe appropriate medications. As a rule, ointments containing fluoride are contraindicated. As a rule, as a drug treatment, your doctor may suggest:

  1. Hormonal agents. Such drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.
  2. Vitamins A, B, PP, potassium, zinc, fiber. You can buy vitamins yourself at a pharmacy and take them according to the instructions. But it is better to consult a doctor to choose the right set of vitamins and microelements, as well as the dosage. Do not forget that the vitamin complex depends on the season. Incorrect dosage can lead to hypervitaminosis.
  3. Ointments with sulfur, retinol cream, differin, etc. The list of drugs is large. The ointment should be selected together with a doctor so that the composition is as suitable as possible (based on tests).

Traditional methods:

In addition to drug treatment, you can use folk remedies for acne.

  1. Treatment of acne is facilitated by taking a bath with the addition of a diluted solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a few grains of the substance in a small amount of warm water. Add the resulting solution to the bath until the water in it turns light pink. You should stay in the bathroom for no more than 15 minutes. After taking a bath, it is advisable to take a shower. There is no need to rub your back with a towel after the procedure to avoid the spread of bacteria. Baths with potassium permanganate can be taken daily.
  2. Baths with sea salt have the same effect as with potassium permanganate. For 100 liters of hot water in the bathroom you will need approximately 1000 grams of salt. The duration of the treatment procedure is no more than 25 minutes. To be effective, you can take salt baths every other day.
  3. Birch tar performs a good function in the fight against acne. You can buy tar soap or buy birch tar. Tar can be added to a bottle of liquid soap. Add 1 ml of birch tar to 300 ml of liquid soap and use it as a cleanser.
  4. A mixture of clay and sea salt is also an excellent remedy for acne. Initially, you need to dissolve the salt in water; about 250 ml of water will require 1 teaspoon of salt. Then add clay to the solution until a mushy mass forms. Apply on the back, thereby drying out the skin rash well. After 20 minutes, rinse off in the shower. Use - 1-2 times a week.
  5. There is also a very simple and quick recipe. Add 4 drops of tea tree to a bottle of 1% salicylic acid solution. Apply exclusively to cleansed skin. Wipe the skin on your back 2-3 times a day.

Squeezing out blackheads

Squeezing out blackheads is not a recommended procedure. When extruded, tissue and blood vessels are injured. An infection can occur through a wound. But if you decide to squeeze them out, then you should take into account several recommendations. Initially, you need to cleanse the skin with an antibacterial agent. Wipe this area with salicylic acid using a special fingertip. After the cleansing procedure, we proceed to the squeezing process itself, having first put on rubber finger guards and wrapped them with paper napkins on top. Treat the wound with alcohol and benzoyl peroxide. Watch how a professional does this procedure in this video.

Acne prevention

First of all, daily hygiene plays an important role in preventing acne. Make it a rule to wash your hair first and then your body. Because shampoo clogs pores. It is better to have a washcloth made of natural material. A synthetic washcloth can cause irritation and make the situation worse. You should also avoid using a hard washcloth, as it can “rip off” acne. It is advisable to avoid using scrubs so as not to injure the skin and not “pick off” acne.

Treat the skin with antiseptic agents, be it salicylic acid, furatsilin solution or ointment. Ichthyol ointment copes well with the function of disinfection. Ichthyol penetrates deep into the epidermis, eliminating infection from the inside.

Acne often appears due to poor nutrition and lack of vitamins and minerals. Abuse of fast food, alcohol, smoking, eating large amounts of sweets (easily digestible carbohydrates), eating large amounts of fatty foods, all this leads to clogged pores, which is the cause of acne. If you have problem skin, it is better to avoid such foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, and drink more fluids.

Vitamins for acne

In the modern urban rhythm of life, it is difficult to have time to eat properly and fully and lead a healthy lifestyle. You have to eat fast food. In this case, you need to resort to vitamins.
You should take vitamins A, E and B, as well as sulfur, chromium, omega-3, zinc, fatty acids. Relapses of vitamin deficiency are observed in autumn and spring. In order to balance the substances in the body, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes (for example, Aevit, Zincteral, Pentovit).

Having studied the general characteristics and causes of acne, we can conclude: acne on the back is a disease that requires special attention. You should also not neglect preventive measures. If you follow all the recommendations, your skin will regain its healthy appearance.

The content of the article

Acne causes a person not only physical, but also psycho-emotional discomfort. It can affect both the face and any other parts of the body. A particularly common form of this disease is acne on the back, which manifests itself in the form of comedones, pimples, nodules and cysts.

Acne on the back: treatment

What are the reasons for the formation of acne in this area of ​​the body, what treatment is most effective and how to care for the affected skin? You will learn about this from this article.

Causes of acne on the back

As for the reasons that provoke the appearance of acne, among them it is worth noting the following:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Most often, teenagers suffer from acne and pimples during puberty - this is due to a surge in hormones. Acne on the back of women may appear during pregnancy, before menstruation, or when taking oral contraceptives.
  2. Unhealthy diet, excessively rich in simple carbohydrates, smoked, fried and salty foods, chips and other snacks.
  3. Stress. During stressful situations, the adrenal glands are activated and their production of specific hormones increases, which provoke the appearance of acne.
  4. Chronic fatigue, excessive physical and intellectual overstrain, general exhaustion of the body, decrease in its defenses.
  5. Bad habits – alcohol abuse, smoking.
  6. Acne on the back of male athletes can result from taking anabolic steroids - pharmacological drugs aimed at increasing the production of androgens (male hormones). As a result of their intake, there is an acceleration of protein synthesis inside cells and an increase in muscle mass. Acne on the back from steroids is a pressing problem for many bodybuilders.
  7. Excessive hygiene. Due to the unreasonably frequent and intensive use of peelings, scrubs, masks, soaps and shower gels, the protective lipid layer is washed away from the surface of the skin. This leads to a decrease in barrier functions, which can result in increased proliferation of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.
  8. Wearing tight clothing made from synthetic or rough natural materials. Sweating and constant friction lead to the appearance of microtraumas on the skin, into which pathogenic microorganisms can enter, causing acne.
  9. Heredity. Some people have a genetic tendency to develop acne.

Acne on the back: how to get rid of it and how to treat it?

It is important to understand that an effective fight against acne should not mean masking rashes with cosmetics, but targeting their root cause. Only in this case can the patient count on long-term relief from acne and acne.

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist who will conduct a differential diagnosis and confirm that the patient actually has acne. To do this, it is necessary to determine the type of rash and count the number of rashes.

To make an accurate diagnosis and find out the primary cause of acne on the back, you may need to be examined by other specialists - a gynecologist or urologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist. In some cases, it becomes justified to carry out additional diagnostic measures, including:

  1. sampling the contents of comedones, nodules or cysts for research;
  2. biochemical analysis of blood from a vein;
  3. blood test for hormones (women donate blood twice: on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, then on days 21-23);
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (for women) to assess the functioning of the ovaries and exclude polycystic ovary syndrome;
  5. Ultrasound of the testicles and prostate gland (for men);
  6. Ultrasound of the adrenal glands.

Acne treatment usually takes quite a long time, since to achieve a positive result it is important to eliminate the root cause of the rash. A doctor should prescribe suitable medications for external use and oral administration.

The difficulty of treating acne on the back​, chest​, shoulders​ and arms​ in men and women​ is due to the fact that the skin on these areas of the body is thicker than on the face. At the same time, the number of sebaceous glands is greater here, and the intensity of sweat production is higher. In addition, these areas of the body are in constant contact with clothing, which leads to additional irritation of the rash.

Medicines to treat acne on the back

In severe cases of the disease, represented by a large number of rashes, as well as the formation of nodules and cysts in the deep layers of the skin, taking antibiotics will be justified. For acne on the back, drugs from the group of tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides, etc. can be prescribed. If acne on the back does not go away after treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides are prescribed. However, treatment with sulfonamides is a last resort, since drugs in this group have many side effects.

An important role in the treatment of acne is played by external agents - creams, gels and ointments for acne on the back. These can be preparations made on the basis of topical and systemic retinoids (vitamin A and its derivatives), zinc, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, fusidic acid, hyaluronic acid. Also, external agents based on tar, menthol, purified sulfur, and plant extracts are widely used to treat acne.

If the presence of acne leads to the development of dysmorphophobia, depression, impaired social adaptation and other disorders in the patient, the patient may be prescribed sedatives, and in some cases, antidepressants.

To speed up the removal of toxins and waste from the body, enterosorbents are prescribed. If back acne is itchy, antihistamines may be recommended.

In the treatment of acne, noticeable results can be achieved using physiotherapeutic methods. This can be electrophoresis (for example, with ichthyol solution), cryotherapy, magnetic laser therapy, ozone therapy, paraffin and ozokerite applications, thalassotherapy, etc.

Treating back acne at home

The fact is that if the cause of the rash lies in the disruption of the internal organs or in hormonal imbalances, then independent exposure to acne and pimples can often lead to the transition of the disease to a severe, neglected state. Therefore, if a person still wants to treat acne using traditional medicine, he should first consult a doctor.

To combat acne, decoctions, infusions and lotions are prepared from various herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, string, birch leaves and buds, horsetail, aloe juice, tea tree oil. Masks made from cucumber, clay, pumpkin pulp, etc. are also applied to the skin.

Care for acne-affected skin

The products in the STOP-ACNE La-Cri series include the unique ALPAFLOR ALP-SEBUM complex, salicylic acid, plant extracts, bisabolol, betaine, boron nitrite and other safe components. They have an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect, help reduce sebum production, and help the skin acquire a smooth surface and healthy matte finish.