
Country of origin: Russia

Pharm-Group: Homeopathic cold remedies

Manufacturers: Alcoy pharmaceutical company (Russia)

International name: Acogrippin

Dosage forms: homeopathic granules fl 15g

Composition: Aconitum D4, Bryonia alba D4, Lachesis muta D12, Eupatonum perfoliatum D3, Phosphorus D6)

Indications for use: Prevention and treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract and colds, as well as decreased immunity due to colds and infectious diseases with fever.

Contraindications: Not identified.

Side effect: Possible symptoms of exacerbation quickly disappear after stopping the drug.

Interaction: No data

Overdose: No data.

Special instructions: No

Literature: Prospectus of the company "Alcoy" Handbook of homeopathy, ed. Mikhailova I.V.